A checking station observation

LOL with the exception of MAYBE SCN, it will surprise me if anybody else even knows who Jack Murray was. Without looking it up of course. Lord willing and I make it til then, next spring will be my 40th spring chasing these feathered creatures and I still try to learn something new every time I hunt them.
I love learning the woods. I don't get to hunt, kill, or know nearly as much as a lot of guys on here but every chance I get seems different. Just started getting to share it with my kids and it's one of the best gifts God has given me.
You can go online and print off your temporary tags. This link should get you there.
Interesting....I've used the TWRA app but didn't realize it would work even without cell coverage....who knew??
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I was told (we all know how that goes) that turkeys will never be trapped and relocated to spread genetics around in this state again. I was told it was bc of Tyson and the chicken industry.
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I was told (we all know how that goes) that turkeys will never be trapped and relocated to spread genetics around in this state again. I was told it was bc of Tyson and the chicken industry.
I would call bull hockey on the Tyson part.

Due to the costs, I doubt we see trapping and relocation unless/until the population totally fails. When you do the trapping/relocation, the area being stocked has to be closed for X number of years. While the population has been headed off the cliff in a lot of different areas of the state, I'm not sure it is at the closing part right now.
........ if the boss Tom got killed to early in the season.
And we know how A LOT of boss gobblers have been killed early season while they are still courting/breeding. Most of the time, they are not leaving their harem of hens to come to a call. You can occasionally call the whole flock to you, but then you have to fool numerous sets of eyes and ears and execute the shot, without any collateral damage to the flock. Put a strutter decoy up, and instantly you have the upper hand on an old boss gobbler that is courting hens. When possible, we need to think long term and allow the boss gobbler to breed as many hens as possible to sustain the local flock over time. We all want turkeys to hunt 20 years from now, thus we need to do the little things we can to assist with that outcome, when possible.
2023 youth season kill was up 50% over 2022 and 2021 (of course, it was 2 weeks later in the year). Roughly 1/3 of the 2023 youth kill were jakes. It looked like a great weekend for the youth across the State from the photos I've seen. Congrats to all who were successful!
2023 youth season kill was up 50% over 2022 and 2021 (of course, it was 2 weeks later in the year). Roughly 1/3 of the 2023 youth kill were jakes. It looked like a great weekend for the youth across the State from the photos I've seen. Congrats to all who were successful!

Two weeks later makes a big difference. More hens are bred, more hens are nesting, more gobblers are lonely.

Plus we have had an early spring, and there is probably a little more cover from leaves to move on birds and call up birds easier without them seeing you from a mile away in open hardwoods.
I got a pic of 6 toms yesterday afternoon...not a single hen in the bunch.
I was in your neck of the woods few days back and spotted 4 LBs strutting. Pulled over long enough to glass and counted 33 hens with them. :oops: Also saw a lone stutter with 9 hens with him in same general area. 8AM timeframe.
Interesting....I've used the TWRA app but didn't realize it would work even without cell coverage....who knew??
I used it for a turkey a couple years ago.. checked the app and it wasn't on there. Called the game warden the next morning and they told me to do it again once I had a signal on my phone.