I don't agree with that at all. I don't see it. . . . . .
. . . . . . Crying about it doesn't make it wrong. You're literally saying it's unfair that I'm allowed to go out in the miserable summer and kill that buck with a bow before you can kill him with a gun . . . . . .
I never expected you to agree or see everything the same as some are seeing things.
And I believe you're crying more about my thoughts than I'm crying about the velvet hunt?
You're assigning superiority to your wants and your style over mine and broad brush painting everybody else as a poacher to justify it.
I'm definitely not doing that. Erroneous assumption on your behalf.
You don't know me, at all. I don't know you either, but am taking your word for face value.
As long as humans have hunted deer, antlers have been a trophy. Pretend to be something you're not if you feel you must but don't expect me to. I'm comfortable being what I am.
I totally agree with this. I am also a trophy deer hunter, and haven't meant to come across as putting you down in any way. You asked for my opinion, then went on the "attack the messenger" when you didn't like my thoughts.
I'm not sorry for being a trophy hunter. I'm not ashamed. And I'm not the problem.
Never said you were.
Only saying the reality is we, as hunters, are in the minority of people,
and avid trophy hunters (like you, and me) are in the minority of hunters.
The anti-hunting crowd in large is never going to accept hunting under any circumstances.
You are correct.
Fortunately at the moment, the
anti-hunting crowd doesn't out-number those who hunt.
But the
non-hunting crowd (which included antis) greatly outnumbers us.
One of my concerns is more
non-hunters becoming
Our actions and appearances to the non-hunters effect the direction this goes.
And that's the lunatics you're afraid of?
Not at all afraid. But do understand the reality of a super-majority typically getting their way over a minority when it comes to voting on issues. As hunters, we are in the minority, and our image to non-hunters does matter.
Hunting isn't going anywhere and the velvet trophy hunt isn't doing anything to harm hunting's image and certainly isn't hurting other hunters.
I just disagree with you.
"Sport" hunting as we have known it is going to diminish, particularly on public lands.
Never mind that you and I are on the same page in believing our hunting is totally ethical and a legitimate thing for us to be doing with much of our time. That even includes either of us participating in a summertime trophy velvet buck hunt.