Agree or Disagree?

Just my opinion, but the 2-buck limit seems to be the best number when considering all the other factors, at least right now in Tennessee.

One factor not listed in the above list is hunters' personal limits on "practical" harvests, i.e. just how many deer are "practical" annually for a particular hunter to be willing to harvest (or process, or drag, or deal with in any way).

For a majority of TN deer hunters currently, this appears to be no more than two (2), never mind for many it is one, and for a few it is without limit.

When the "practical" hunter harvest limit is considered, some deer managers may lean towards a 1-buck limit for the primary purpose of increasing the doe harvest. The reality is that if a hunter wants 2 deer annually, most hunters still prefer 2 bucks over 1 buck & 1 doe. So a 1-buck limit does in fact help increase the doe harvest, and can be used for that purpose if needed.
You get more venison from a buck and who gets as excited over shooting a doe? So I agree completely with all of that. It's only reasonable.

To beat a dead horse, I wish more could appreciate how the 2 buck limit is optimum for a state such as ours that takes such an unusual hands-off approach to herd numbers management in so much of the state. If the limit was reduced to one buck there would be a LOT more does killed which would inevitably result in deer droughts, especially in counties with poorer habitat or heavily hunted areas such as public lands without WMA specific bag limits.
You get more venison from a buck and who gets as excited over shooting a doe? So I agree completely with all of that. It's only reasonable.

To beat a dead horse, I wish more could appreciate how the 2 buck limit is optimum for a state such as ours that takes such an unusual hands-off approach to herd numbers management in so much of the state. If the limit was reduced to one buck there would be a LOT more does killed which would inevitably result in deer droughts, especially in counties with poorer habitat or heavily hunted areas such as public lands without WMA specific bag limits.
Agree with the fact that 2 is perfect . I do however get way more excited over shooting a mature doe than i would a 1.5 to 3.5 yr old buck, because i know im doing more to help my local herd dynamics and leaving a buck in play for future years
Agree with the fact that 2 is perfect . I do however get way more excited over shooting a mature doe than i would a 1.5 to 3.5 yr old buck, because i know im doing more to help my local herd dynamics and leaving a buck in play for future years
Busting that smart old nanny that's learned to look up in the trees and blow at you for an hour straight…. Right up there with killing a biggun for me
So has anyone actually watched the commission meeting where they talk about what they're going to recommend and input from the public?

It could be changed by the commission and each unit will be a little different but doesn't look like a whole lot will be changing except for CWD going back to normal season.

From what I gather TWRA will be recommending the following:

- No break in season
- No straight wall cartridges
- Same statewide start dates
- 2 buck limit

Of course the commission can change it, but it doesn't look like drastic changes unless the future shows that it's needed.
So has anyone actually watched the commission meeting where they talk about what they're going to recommend and input from the public?

It could be changed by the commission and each unit will be a little different but doesn't look like a whole lot will be changing except for CWD going back to normal season.

From what I gather TWRA will be recommending the following:

- No break in season
- No straight wall cartridges
- Same statewide start dates
- 2 buck limit

Of course the commission can change it, but it doesn't look like drastic changes unless the future shows that it's needed.
Sounds good to me
It never ceases to amaze me how when a buck increases in age, he becomes infinitely more difficult to kill. On pressured land, deer mature and learn to avoid hunters in direct proportion to the number of NEGATIVE encounters they have with humans. And the more these negative encounters are are also associate with human smell, the more thorough and complete the eduction becomes.

So...let a buck get some age...and he learns how to disappear.

Older age buck structured population may often result in fewer sightings.

And only the more skilled hunters CONSISTENTLY kill these bucks.
You will never convince this group of that, it makes to much sense. If they can't get them on camera, or blame their death on disease, they don't exist 😄 If you have deer and have had them for any good length of time, somewhere close by there are at least a few "mature" deer. Thats the reason you continue to have deer;)
I'm sure it's been mentioned already but in recent years I've hunted Ohio,Missouri,and Illinois all have 1 thing in common.. it's archery only during peak rut. This alone probably save more bucks than the actual harvest limit. I'm not advocating either way just stating their seasons. Now as far as I'm concerned the trophy is in the experience not the score. Not saying that I don't want to kill a biggin cause I do that's why i hunted other states, but I've killed some great trophies on the upper east end that didn't Score 100" and they proudly hang next to my out of state bucks.
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I'm sure it's been mentioned already but in recent years I've hunted Ohio,Missouri,and Illinois all have 1 thing in common.. it's archery only during peak rut. This alone probably save more bucks than the actual harvest limit. I'm not advocating either way just stating their seasons.
You are correct, as such a setup is one of many factors effecting buck harvest as much or more than the buck limit.

I will "advocate" against such a season in Tennessee.
I've been a bowhunter all my hunting life, still am, but all deer hunters should be able to participate in rut deer hunting, not just bowhunters.

Now, if TN were to want to do something to enhance deer herd health, I would not advocate against taking days off both the front and the back of the annual deer seasons. I'd be fine, as would most other hunters (and not just deer hunters, but all hunters), if the annual deer season opened around Oct 15 and closed around December 31.

Like most things, what's best tends to be much about the balance,
and there are other things to hunt (and/or catch) besides deer.
You are correct, as such a setup is one of many factors effecting buck harvest as much or more than the buck limit.

I will "advocate" against such a season in Tennessee.
I've been a bowhunter all my hunting life, still am, but all deer hunters should be able to participate in rut deer hunting, not just bowhunters.

Now, if TN were to want to do something to enhance deer herd health, I would not advocate against taking days off both the front and the back of the annual deer seasons. I'd be fine, as would most other hunters (and not just deer hunters, but all hunters), if the annual deer season opened around Oct 15 and closed around December 31.

Like most things, what's best tends to be much about the balance,
and there are other things to hunt (and/or catch) besides deer.
Concerning the reduction of seasons, I'm ok with it as long as there is a reduction in price for license. Geeze it's outrageous
Busting that smart old nanny that's learned to look up in the trees and blow at you for an hour straight…. Right up there with killing a biggun for me
Absolutely. Not any doe, a big old fat square bodied long necked football headed does. Absolutely get my blood going- much more much than any young buck
CWD isn't killing the deer. How many bucks have died from CWD? Hunters are killing the deer not CWD. Doesn't Ames allow any legal buck to be taken on the 18,000 acres?
We don't have to save the jaw bones to age most of our deer from year to year with the history we have of them. Besides I don't know of many deer from 140-159" that isn't mature. But I guess without jawbones you doubt our success on mature bucks.
I hunt 10 miles from Ames. We have seen a significant drop in deer sightings, bucks and does (1000 acres). While our positive rate isn't nearly as high as Ames, its enough to believe its affected the number of deer. What else could cause that type of imact in such a short amount of time. People blame TWRA for their "kill em all" attitude, but we're not doing it on our club. We're a little selective on bucks and kill some does, but in both cases less than prior to CWD. What else could cause the drop, if CWD isn't killing them as you say?
I do wish they would move the velvet hunt off of the squirrel opener. It keeps slot of kids out of the squirrel woods because dad wants to kill s fuzzy antlered doe necked red tick taxi. Move it up a week
Just do away with it entirely.
Overall, it causes more harm than good, and that "good" is only for a teeny tiny minority of deer hunters.
Wont happen, brings in those out of state license sales
I don't think that has happened to the extent TWRA had hoped.
More and more non-residents are seeing the reality of what TN is capable in terms of typical scores, and it doesn't even come close (on average) to KY, Illinois, and most any other state north of TN's latitude.
I hunt 10 miles from Ames. We have seen a significant drop in deer sightings, bucks and does (1000 acres). While our positive rate isn't nearly as high as Ames, its enough to believe its affected the number of deer. What else could cause that type of imact in such a short amount of time. People blame TWRA for their "kill em all" attitude, but we're not doing it on our club. We're a little selective on bucks and kill some does, but in both cases less than prior to CWD. What else could cause the drop, if CWD isn't killing them as you say?
Have y'all or anyone ever found a deer that died from CWD? Not one y'all killed and it tested posistive. Also are y'all finding numerous dead deer on your property? Where are all the buzzards that's feeding on all the dead CWD is killing???There's not none. We shed hunt thousands of acres all around the CWD areas and hardly ever find a dead one. No more then we founds 20yrs ago. That's my opinion.