Well-Known Member
How is that a whole lot different than reintroducing bears & cougars into various parts of TN where they've not previously existed for over 100 yrs?Whoever thought reintroducing wolves was a good idea is an idiot.
Just to be clear, I'm opposed to expanding bear populations in TN, opposed to introducing non-native western cougars (just because we once had the extinct eastern cougar).
Ironically, at birth, there are slightly more male than female fawns born.In Nature, the adult sex ratio is around 1.2 does per buck. The ratio of adult does is slightly higher because they naturally live longer than bucks.
Predation (in TN, primarily dogs & coyotes) tends to be more on the very young & the very old (the weakest animals), but bucks are more often "weaker" due to their rut behavior (not eating, running themselves to exhaustion seeking does).
Bucks, particularly button bucks, are naturally more "curious" and "brave", and tend to expose themselves more to all types of mortal danger, more so than female deer. If a dog is stalking a group of deer, a button buck may just walk up to the dog, while the other deer watch what happens next.
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