Agree or Disagree?

A 1 buck limit would be a good thing for any deer herd regardless of state.

However, harvest limits aren't set only with biology in mind. They also consider hunter opportunity and what the hunters want. The wildlife resource management for any state has to balance herd health with keeping hunters happy. Not an easy job. That's why different states have vastly different regulations. Herd dynamics in a given state can be as variable as its politics. In TN's case I genuinely believe TWRA is doing their best to walk that tightrope. While I do not agree with all of their regulations, I am only one hunter. Another hunter might want something completely different than I, and another hunter want something altogether different. TWRA has to try pleasing all of us plus keep the herd healthy.
I agree with you Ski. A buddy sent me this post and was highly opinionated about it. I don't feel strongly one way or the other, but was curious what others thought
I agree with you Ski. A buddy sent me this post and was highly opinionated about it. I don't feel strongly one way or the other, but was curious what others thought

I'm pretty opionated that a 1 buck limit would be great for getting more bucks to maturity. But I'm also a hunter who targets mature bucks.

I also understand that not everyone has the same objectives, and somebody with a different opinion is just as valid whether I agree or not. That's why I rarely take a hard stance on many topics. It's not fair to force my beliefs on someone else just because it benefits me. That used to be a common courtesy among men but these days it's a much more selfish society. Common ground with mutual give and take doesn't happen much anymore.
Disagree for me, even though its been more than 10 years since I shot more than 1 in a season. I don't know if a statistic exists, but I would guess a large portion of deer hunters in the state care nothing about managing for a trophy deer population. It's probably even the majority.
I would guess a large portion of deer hunters in the state care nothing about managing for a trophy deer population. It's probably even the majority.

Perhaps for now but it's trending away from brown and down, toward mature bucks. Kids see other kids on YouTube killing big bucks and they want it too. Furthermore, they're willing to learn what it takes and willing to do what it takes. Colleges literally offer deer degrees. There's demand for it. Our youth aren't only interested in killing "a" deer. Their interest is in managing the herd for selective hunting. Times are changing.
100% disagree, I will fight a 1 buck limit tooth and nail. The general thought is if 10,000 people killed a 2nd buck and we went to a 1 buck limit, that it would save 10,000 bucks. That simply is not true. Non hunting mortality plays a huge roll in the equation, and the older the age class, the more it becomes a factor.
Fishing Marlin GIF by The Telegraph
Perhaps for now but it's trending away from brown and down, toward mature bucks. Kids see other kids on YouTube killing big bucks and they want it too. Furthermore, they're willing to learn what it takes and willing to do what it takes. Colleges literally offer deer degrees. There's demand for it. Our youth aren't only interested in killing "a" deer. Their interest is in managing the herd for selective hunting. Times are changing.
I am far from brown and down. I only killed one buck this year and one buck last year. I do want the opportunity to kill a 2nd one in the years that I get on two mature deer. There are plenty of mature bucks in Tennessee now. 2 is a great compromise from when I was growing up. The buck limit was 11 then: 4 with a bow, 4 with a rifle, and 3 with a muzzleloader. We have came a long way but I think it would be a great mistake to cut it to one. If you want it to be cut to one for out of state hunters and transplants, I would be for that!
Perhaps for now but it's trending away from brown and down, toward mature bucks. Kids see other kids on YouTube killing big bucks and they want it too. Furthermore, they're willing to learn what it takes and willing to do what it takes. Colleges literally offer deer degrees. There's demand for it. Our youth aren't only interested in killing "a" deer. Their interest is in managing the herd for selective hunting. Times are changing.
Your youth may not be interested in killing a deer, but my youth would like to see some deer. If you have a target rich environment it's much easier letting smaller bucks go. When you sit for days without a sighting it changes your mentality on the matter. I put much more time in than my kids, and have passed probably 25 yearling bucks in the last 3 seasons, so where's all these mature deer that should be running around. The east is not the west. Some of y'all would really struggle in the lowest populated areas. The cwd areas are proving that as well.
Was the herd growing back when the limit was 11 here in Tn?

As an aside, if one wants the bucks to be able to grow to maturity, then set it at 0, that would be even better, right? Just b/c someone (myself included) just limits themselves to 1 buck per year, if that, doesn't mean it benefits someone who wants to kill 2 or 3 even. I thought there was supposed to be a push to get folks afield to hunt period, not just for the mega bucks that appear when the buck limit is heavily limited, or restricted, such as 4 per side, minimum spread, etc. So no, I disagree that it helps every hunter.
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Last year I was fortunate enough to kill a 4.5 year old buck the first morning I hunted in bow season. On the primary property I hunt, we have a self imposed one buck limit. However, I have other places to hunt. Despite the good fortune, It sucked bad enough ending my hunting on that property on the first day. It would have really sucked for my entire season to have been over that quickly. I'm totally opposed to reducing the buck limit any further.
The question was do you agree or disagree with:
"One buck limits benefits every deer hunter in Oklahoma."

How in the world can it benefit hunters that want to kill two each year?

As for TN, as already posted it would make it more difficult for hunters in east TN (or doe drought stricken areas) to put venison in the freezer. Furthermore, I'm pretty confident an unintended outcome would be more doe over-harvest in Unit L, especially on public land.
Disagree like the 2 and I'm a trophy hunter. Missouri is a 3 I think for sure 2 buck Iowa is 3 bucks for land owners Illinois is 2. And many more are more then 1.
And what is a glaringly obvious common denominator between those states? They all have much shorter gun seasons than TN. Deer hunters in those states are forced to sit and watch more bucks outside of range while in TN the same hunters would've already pulled the trigger. And I think it's safe to assume that more opportunities and instances of their hunters watching mature bucks outside of range has generally raised the standards of their hunters as well. Efficiency of weapon matters.
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I would love to see a 1 buck limit. And add a 1 doe limit per type of firearm (archery/ ML/ modern gun). My reasoning? Get your limit and get out of the woods. I'm a public land hunter and the places I usually hunt have become swarmed with hunters the last few years. When I started hunting these areas there were only a handful of hunters who hunted them. It kept the pressure down. I saw a lot more deer, and bigger bucks. These guys hunting out here now are "if it's brown it's down" hunters. Which is fine, but better if they spread that philosophy over different tracts of public land, instead of the same 1-200 acre tract of land. An example, shoot one deer a Chickamauga WMA, then go to a new tract of land, shoot another deer. Then if you need more venison find yet a different tract and work that one. There are plenty of deer out there, spread yourself out if you want to kill a bunch of deer.

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