Some of this is simply worth repeating and elaborating!
. . . . . has me scratching my head with these conversations and some of the comments where hunters demonize the trophy guys. There's an apparent disconnect somewhere because in order for trophy hunters to have a better hunt, all hunters across the board FIRST get a better hunt.
It's a ground up build. We're all on the same side. We all want a better hunt.
Trophy hunters aren't trying to ruin anyone else's hunt. Exactly opposite. We understand it takes a healthy, robust, well balanced herd in order to have consistent supply of old bucks. And that healthy, robust, well balanced herd makes hunting awesome for everybody. That's why I can't understand the animosity directed at trophy hunters.
I consider myself a "hunter-manager", but I am also a "trophy" hunter.
I simply have no desire to shoot anything less than a mature buck or a mature doe.
I do shoot some younger does as a part of that "hunter managing".
Over the past 3 years, in TN, I've specifically "trophy" hunted for several specific mature bucks. Along this journey, I've given a pass to many bucks most hunters would quickly see as a "trophy" and shoot. In fact, about half the bucks I give pass, are killed by other hunters. Often, with me sitting them up to kill one of those particular bucks. But always available to another hunter because I gave that buck a pass while pursuing a different specific buck.
Over these past 3 years in TN, it's been my choice not to take a shot on any buck, simply because I haven't had a high-probability shot at one of the bucks being targeted. Nonetheless, I've greatly enjoyed these past 3 "buck-less" years of hunting.
Most of us are at a different stage in our deer hunting sagas. I'm near the end of mine, and don't feel any need to kill a buck to prove anything to myself or anyone else. I'm enjoying the pursuit more than needing to kill any "trophy".
But the word "trophy" is exactly what most hunters consider
ANY buck over a doe. While some deny this reality, truth is, most deer hunters are "trophy" hunters, in that anything with antlers is what they're considering a trophy buck.
When a "trophy" buck hunter passes up most bucks he sees, he's actually making the hunting opportunities better for most his fellow hunters?