While I couldn't care less whether or not decoys are made illegal, I do think I offer some unique perspective on this topic because 99% of my hunting is done in pursuit of field turkeys...not by choice, but because that's what I have permission to hunt. Maybe in years past I was just doing it wrong, but I hunted using a strutter decoy off and on for parts of 2 seasons, and I never killed one single turkey using that heavy, bulky, pos. These days I'll still bust out my fold up rubber hen and jake from time to time if I have a bird roosted, but I've seen them not work countless more times than I've seen them work.
Are some dominant birds killed early season using those tactics? Absolutely. However, I'd argue that fanning/reaping is 10x more effective than just setting up in a field with a strutter decoy in hopes that a dominant bird will charge it. Now, with both of those things being said, I personally don't think outlawing decoys will do near as much to curb the early harvest as most on here think. JMO, but I think a lot of people claiming that haven't actually hunted field birds behind decoys very much and are basing their effectiveness solely off of the sad excuse for turkey hunting that is portrayed on tv these days.
I know for certain that we haven't over harvested turkeys on any of the farms I hunt, and I also know that neighbors haven't either. Along with that, I know that a lot of times we never manage to kill our most dominant birds. However, we are still seeing the same decline in numbers that most everyone else is seeing.
I'm just like everyone else in that I want our turkey numbers back to what they were in the past, and I'm 100% fine with outlawing decoys, but I hope we don't put all our eggs in that basket as I just don't see it making the difference many others on here do. JMO, but I'd much rather the state create some kind of incentive to get more people back out trapping nest raiders as I think that would be the single most impactful thing that could be done to help the turkeys out.