baiting in Tennessee

Hey FTP, I've got a serious question for you:

If bait in fishing is the equivalent to corn in hunting, does this mean you believe corn is required to be a successful hunter?

Maybe if you take a sec to apply logic and reason, you'll see where your argument falls down.
Pilchard, you guys are making more of this than it is. Obviously you can be a fantastically successful hunter and never use corn. I simply but correctly (using the commonly accepted definition of "Bait") made the point that whether in fishing or hunting, the bait serves the exact same purpose... to attract wild game. Don't go Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Shumer on me and put words in my mouth... man it's gotta be hard to be like you!!!
How would you suggest fixing that? After multiple calls, giving pictures, plate numbers, addresses and even phone numbers it gets old and aggravating never seeing a green truck show up to help fix it!!!
Squeaky wheels get greased.

If you aren't getting a response from your local officer, call into the Regional office and let his Captain know that you aren't happy with the lack of response.

If that doesn't do the trick, bump it on up to the Regional Major over the region's law enforcement.

Still not seeing what you need? The Colonel over the Boating and Law Enforcement Div. is now over all of the law enforcement in the state. Raise a ruckus with him.

If the response is still lacking, contact the Asst. Director over Field Operations. The next step is the Executive Director. And, if they still are blowing you off, go to your Commissioner over your county. I doubt very seriously that it will have to go past the first 2-3 steps.

But, as an aside, just because you haven't seen a green truck out there may not mean it isn't being looked at. A lot of baiting work is done out of personal vehicles or being dropped off by another officer. Having a green truck parked in the area can be the kiss of death in making a case.

It shouldn't happen, but, unfortunately it does for a variety of reasons. That doesn't make it right. EVERYBODY in TWRA has a boss. Sometimes you have to get them involved.
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It's just foreign to me. I wouldn't have much of a problem on private land. But not on public land. When I was Bragg I did some hunting in North Carolina on some state forest land. Was up in my treestand and 6 dogs came running through. Guess in parts of NC they run deer with dogs. Now that I am against, talk about being pissed off. Doesn't really matter the hunting in that area of NC sucked. Nothing but sand and pine trees. Republic of Pineland.


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Pilchard, you guys are making more of this than it is. Obviously you can be a fantastically successful hunter and never use corn. I simply but correctly (using the commonly accepted definition of "Bait") made the point that whether in fishing or hunting, the bait serves the exact same purpose... to attract wild game. Don't go Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Shumer on me and put words in my mouth... man it's gotta be hard to be like you!!!
To quote a self-proclaimed debate professor along with some of his childish extracurriculars:

Good Logic and Reasoning always exposes your fallacy of a point. BTW, I don't bite apples, I do use my large banana to destroy some tacos though. Jokes on you !!!
As I said previously, the definition of the word bait uses the word food. Trying to implement a grunt tube in to your argument is silly and obviously wrong. Remember, words have meanings and I do not subscribe to the narrative of making a word mean something to fit an agenda.
Sorry Ski. The degree in English Lit and the teaching of debate for 25 years disagrees with you.

Pounding your chest by touting a lit degree hardly qualifies your argument. Your debate students would recognize that posturing as defensive desperation. The thing about anonymous internet forums is that you really just don't know with whom you're communicating. Dare I say you're not the only educated person on the board. There sum purdy fart smellers on this here forum :)
To quote a self-proclaimed debate professor along with some of his childish extracurriculars:
Hurt your feelings huh? You couldn't dispel my position. Words have meanings. Like the folks on the political left have tried to change the meaning of "Vaccine". I have continued to expose to my students what the real and commonly accepted meaning of the word vaccine is. Don't fall for it. Better luck next time Pilchard.
Pounding your chest by touting a lit degree hardly qualifies your argument. Your debate students would recognize that posturing as defensive desperation. The thing about anonymous internet forums is that you really just don't know with whom you're communicating. Dare I say you're not the only educated person on the board. There sum purdy fart smellers on this here forum :)
Doesn't matter what my degree is, or others on here. My point is correct. Words have meaning. I won't allow you to attempt to smear or change the accepted meaning of "bait". The fact that some on this thread tried to do that very thing proves my position was correct. Sorry fart smeller boy 💩!
Doesn't matter what my degree is, or others on here. My point is correct. Words have meaning. I won't allow you to attempt to smear or change the accepted meaning of "bait". The fact that some on this thread tried to do that very thing proves my position was correct. Sorry fart smeller boy 💩!

If it doesn't matter then why so forcefully inject it into the conversation? And nobody is changing the meaning of words. What we're pointing out is that in this situation there are two distinctly different applications of the same word, albeit similar, and application dictates meaning. You're hung up at arguing a very basic semantic while we're attempting to push you along to where the deer hunting conversation is taking place. This is after all a deer hunting forum, not a campus debate club or pinkies up tea & tofu social.

Here's a paper that delves deep into this exact situation. Since you clearly can't accept that anybody here knows our language as sufficiently as you do, perhaps you'll give credence to Stanford University?
If it doesn't matter then why so forcefully inject it into the conversation? And nobody is changing the meaning of words. What we're pointing out is that in this situation there are two distinctly different applications of the same word, albeit similar, and application dictates meaning. You're hung up at arguing a very basic semantic while we're attempting to push you along to where the deer hunting conversation is taking place. This is after all a deer hunting forum, not a campus debate club or pinkies up tea & tofu social.

Here's a paper that delves deep into this exact situation. Since you clearly can't accept that anybody here knows our language as sufficiently as you do, perhaps you'll give credence to Stanford University?
In debate, you never leave your original argument or point, especially when it is correct.
I'll accept your point that application matters, but in this discussion it does not change anything.
Bait: noun -
something used to lure or attract fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed
Once again my point is correct.
You know you really have driven the point home to your opponent when they attempt to steer you to some other source as you have done.
Ski, you never did participate in debate in high school or college did you?
It's ok if you did not.
I did not study or major in Bio-Chemistry.
My wife did, I would never debate or discuss that specific topic with her as if I was an expert.
Don't get your feelings hurt,
In debate, you never leave your original argument or point, especially when it is correct.
I'll accept your point that application matters, but in this discussion it does not change anything.
Bait: noun -
something used to lure or attract fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed
Once again my point is correct.
You know you really have driven the point home to your opponent when they attempt to steer you to some other source as you have done.
Ski, you never did participate in debate in high school or college did you?
It's ok if you did not.
I did not study or major in Bio-Chemistry.
My wife did, I would never debate or discuss that specific topic with her as if I was an expert.
Don't get your feelings hurt,
Good morning moderator 😂
... When I was Bragg I did some hunting in North Carolina ... that area of NC sucked. Nothing but sand and pine trees. Republic of Pineland.

Side note: I had ROTC summer camp at Bragg. (Long time ago - 1968). At our orientation we were told that there are four kinds of poisonous snakes and three kinds of poisonous plants in North America and all seven of them live on Ft. Bragg. Not sure about the scientific accuracy of that but the living in Bragg part is believable if not true. That kind of stuff can get into your head when you are learning night patrol. :) :) :)
Side note: I had ROTC summer camp at Bragg. (Long time ago - 1968). At our orientation we were told that there are four kinds of poisonous snakes and three kinds of poisonous plants in North America and all seven of them live on Ft. Bragg. Not sure about the scientific accuracy of that but the living in Bragg part is believable if not true. That kind of stuff can get into your head when you are learning night patrol. :) :) :)
I did 90% of my stuff on Camp MacKall not Bragg proper. I was only out there 16 months for the Q Course. I know that MacKall has some really nasty draws on it. I think they are worse than the ones on Benning. They didn't really warn us about it to much. I do know they have these two big spiders out there the banana and zipper. The zipper spider is the one with the web that looks like a zipper and the banana is the picture with the hand in it. I ate so many of their webs out on MacKall during Small Unit Tactics, SERE and Land Nav.


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Hurt your feelings huh? You couldn't dispel my position. Words have meanings. Like the folks on the political left have tried to change the meaning of "Vaccine". I have continued to expose to my students what the real and commonly accepted meaning of the word vaccine is. Don't fall for it. Better luck next time Pilchard.
Yes you hurt my feelings. I am taking this very personal :) I'm not sure how I'll carry on.

If you read back through our interactions I stated my position and your reactions have been:

  • Telling me I use terrible logic
  • Saying to read a dictionary
  • Saying I appear uneducated
  • Telling us you have a big fishing rod and that you use it to destroy vaginas
  • Citing your authority due to your degree
  • Never once intelligently reacting to the explaination of my thinking other than saying you're a debate expert
You should have your students read this thread as part of your curriculum.

One last genuine question and then I'll be done out of respect for the actual conversation happening in this thread:
If bait is the same thing in hunting and fishing, why can you be successful without bait in hunting but it is a requirement to have a successful day of fishing?
Comparing Food plots to corn piles is ridiculous. A food plot can sustain and be a benefit to wildlife all year long.
Everyone should know by now that planting a small plot especially a fall plot that greens up and stays green into December or later is used for one thing. To draw deer to that area and then shoot them. Same as corn pile. The perceived benefit to the wildlife is irrelevant and doesn't change the purpose of the plot.
Maybe large food plots planted to sustain wildlife, most people I know plant small kill plots and use them to "bait" deer.
Ding, Ding, Ding....
From a CWD standpoint, I don't think baiting is a good idea. From my own personal opinion and take on methods, it's just not for me.

I honestly don't think it'd affect me much if allowed. I make a habit of cutting open the stomachs of most deer I kill on the farm, and most all will have corn in them, so my guess is some other hunters around me are already doing it, or more than likely it's people who have feeders set up in backyards for wildlife viewing.

I'm just gonna keep on doing what I do, which is hunt the hardest during the month of November, ignore most sign I see and focus on terrain features and sanctuaries and keep my fingers crossed.

If someone feels like they need bait to make them a better hunter, and it's legal, well I guess that's their business.

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