I just learned of this site and the comments you made about Benny this week.First off,if you have a problem with him,go and see him yourself,and I'm sure he will do whatever needs to be done to fix it.As far as his character goes,there is not a more honest and caring man in the world.He always puts friends and family first.You may have a problem getting your bird back,but this whole thing just doesn't sound right to me.I have known him for 50+ years,and I have a home full of work he has done.His work is A NUMBER ONE,and yes it takes a while to get it back,but it is well worth the wait.He is 75 years old,and does all the work by himself,and you don't know the many,many nights he is working until 1 or 2 in the morning,plus in the past few years taking care of relatives that have been gravely ill.Before you judge a man's character,you need to know the man yourself,and do what he does.You have a whole chain of crap started now with your comments,and there is freedom of speech.You can say what you want,but where I come from you see the man face to face,not post chicken crap comments about him.I can give you hundreds of names of very satisfied cutomers from all over Tennessee and other states as well,that will tell you otherwise.As for yor comments,and the trickle down effect.If it loks like chicken crap,and smells like chicken crap,then it must be.