Busted big time and it's not what you think.

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It is called the LAW. You broke it therefore you should have to pay. I can give a guy a break for not knowing better and knowing better the next time, but you sir are a LAW BREAKER plain and simple. My question is why do you come on here and testify to your stupidity and outright disregard for the law. Are you looking for kinship among us to pat you on the back for not being able to hunt legally anymore in the state of TN for a crime you knowingly committed. But how could I be so naive as to think you would know better due to the behavior you are currently admitting to. And for using the excuse that breaking the law is somehow justified due to your current lack of hunting access and helping the needy by getting them deer every year. What you don't realize, and I hope you do now, is you just did more harm to families that relied on you for deer meat because of your lack of respect for the law.
Is throwing corn out really any different than planting food plots? It has the exact same results.... attracting deer to the area so they can be in camera photos or gun/bow sights. It is cheaper than buying or renting equipment and then burning your time planting and taking care of food plots.

I don't and never have hunted over corn and quite frankly, I am tired of all the BS on whether is should be legal or not.... other states do it, are their hunters persecuted just the same?

LAWS are broken EVERY day in some form. LAWS are sometimes just like the government.... too lacking in merit and WORTHLESS due to some people lacking in the common sense department when they were written.
You Sir are the reason the deer I scout for all season long change patterns and I don't see them during deer season. YOu Sir arw a criminal! I hope they keep your stuff and that you do lose interest in hunting. No better than a stinking poacher. Ban this peace of #$%^!
Big J said:
You Sir are the reason the deer I scout for all season long change patterns and I don't see them during deer season.

Don't be so hasty BigJ. Deer change their patterns due to the seasonal change and pressure from hunting..... An area they use during summer may not be the same area they use in the fall and winter.....it's a pretty common thing.
we feed up until allotted time before season starts or when we go to hunt that area and honestly I don't see a difference when we take the feed away.Now to increase deer kept in an area we have used mineral/salt licks which bleed into the ground and will maintain traffic in the area legally as there is nothing there for us to remove. I don't feel sorry for you getting busted as you did the break the law .When you hunt you MUST know and respect the law , as they say ignorance of the law is no excuse as it is published in a nice manual .I don't see the problem with baiting as it does help with growth especially in QDM programs , it is the same as food plots just in different form.What ruins baiting is people see on TV especially in Texas bringing the deer to slaughter as automatic feeders throw corn out in open roadways , I know it is no different as throwing it on the ground but people perceive baiting this way.I have also seen auto feeders removed from an area , and put up a noise box that sounds like a feeder dispersing corn and they come running.but they are close enough to hear it , please obey the law and be an ethical hunter so we can all keep the ability to hunt and for us to keep in the graces of nonhunters
Wow. There are plenty of laws I don't agree with, but I follow them.
The issue is NOT baiting. The issue is LEGALITY!

Personally, I don't care if baiting is made legal or not. I have hunted states where it is legal and truthfully do not see that much of an advantage once the acorns start hitting the ground.

The REAL advantage to baiting is in places where food may be somewhat scarce, and LEGAL hunters who try to abide by LAW DO NOT bait, but POACHERS, in an effort to gain an advantage, DO PUT OUT bait. There in lies the problem.

If all baiting was legal, this would be a moot point because there would be no advantage by POACHERS who blatantly dis-obey the law.

I will add though, and I do not have the biological data to run the numbers, that bait piles probably PROMOTE disease transmission. And also probably create an artificial carrying capacity that may or may not be sustained.
You broke the law and knew you where breaking the law .You come to a forum to "bait" up a thread . Expect no sympathy here. Learn to hunt , not to master bait. Pun intended.
Let us be careful about casting stones...I dare say 99% of us speed everyday...that is breaking the law too! Just saying.
Im with 102.

There is a reason its illegal.
Don't like the law, write some letters to TWRA/TWRC. Go to some meetings and voice your opinion.

Baiterman is doing one or more of the following.
1. too lazy to hunt legally.
2. Not enough time to hunt legally but still wants the rewards of a successful hunt so he cheats.
3. too lazy to beat the bushes for a good place to hunt.
4. likes breaking the law.
5. has no regard for others and thinks breaking the law is ok so long as he doesn't SEE a negative effect of his actions.
6. Wants to have an advantage over other hunters.
7. Wants success without putting in the work necessary for achievement.

Regardless of which of the above is accurate, its still wrong.
preachermantom said:
Let us be careful about casting stones...I dare say 99% of us speed everyday...that is breaking the law too! Just saying.
preachermantom said:
Let us be careful about casting stones...I dare say 99% of us speed everyday...that is breaking the law too! Just saying.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I'm off to carjack the first nice pickup I see and rob some folks before I head off to see my crack dealer. After all, I speed, so it's all the same...

jw0312 said:
preachermantom said:
Let us be careful about casting stones...I dare say 99% of us speed everyday...that is breaking the law too! Just saying.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I'm off to carjack the first nice pickup I see and rob some folks before I head off to see my crack dealer. After all, I speed, so it's all the same...


To God it is brother...a sin is a sin.
IceMann said:
Guys , remember what Jesus said ,Let he without sin cast the first stone..right or wrong,
Yep but every mans a sinner!
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye" Matthew 7:3-5

The greek for "see clearly" is "diablepo". Meaning to recover full vision.

Christ was not telling believers not to judge, but to not be hypocritical. If you are going to point out a fault or sin in a brother, make sure your are not doing the same thing as well.

He is giving the believer instructions in verse 5 as how to do this. He first says "Hypocrite!". First, meaning before you go any further in your brotherly rebuke or correction, remove the plank from your own eye. He isn't saying not to judge or correct, he is saying look first at yourself to make sure you aren't guilty of the same offense. He then says after you have done this, examining yourself, you can see with understanding and clarity to remove the speck from your brothers eye.

This has been one of the most misused scriptures of our time.
102 said:
I will add though, and I do not have the biological data to run the numbers, that bait piles probably PROMOTE disease transmission. And also probably create an artificial carrying capacity that may or may not be sustained.

Being a Wildlife Student, I did a little study a few years ago about baiting. In my study, I concluded that baiting really doesnt help. It will help you see what is in the area, ect..but as far as hunting goes it does not help much. I would about guarentee the deer that he did kill while hunting over bait were does and small bucks. In my study, somewhere around 98-99% of all mature bucks that came to the bait, only came during nocturnal hours. And to back kind of reassure anyone, I believe that is one of the main reasons Tennessee doesnt pass the baiting law, because it does help promote the spread of diseases and causes your deer heard to be healthy but unhealthy ( I know OXYMORON) but they can look healthy, but its because your trying to be a higher power and feed them, and keeping nature from doing its course. If a deer has corn piles everywhere, the amount of vegetation they eat is little, which causes things to get out of whack. Its about the same with bobcats and rabbits. You start slaughtering bobcats, the rabbits are going to get so far overpopulated it will not be funny. So what good would it really do you, unless you could bowhunt with a spotlight out of your treestand. And I do agree, this is not a issue of baiting, this is an issue with breaking the law. I hate it for him, and hope he doesnt give up on hunting, just now learn how to really get out and hunt right. We all make mistakes, but its a matter if we learn from our mistakes. I do not believe in putting him down either like everyone else does here, because we ALL make mistakes in life! Most of us drink, love, chew, smoke, and have fun!!! and the last time I checked, almost all of us have probably broke the law at one point in our life doing something for fun also..LOL...women always make us do the craziest things.!!! now again, all this is just my OPINION..lol..
If you have to bait to keep interest in hunting, find something else to do. I do not have a lease or a huge property or food plots but I enjoy hunting- LEGALLY. I am very disappointed that you thought it was okay just because it made you happy. That is my opinion and you are lucky that I am tired and sore or I would tell you how I really feel.
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