Chicken poop

Sure… I own land in 3 counties…all of which make me create passive incomes for me….and since selling one of my farms, am debt free except for one farm mortgage and will have it paid off in less than 3 years.
Friend you don't owe anyone an explanation, and quite frankly it's no ones business to know your income or what you own.
You've been given answers over and over and you refuse to accept facts and cling to old wives tales and hearsay. You can't handle the truth because you refuse to admit you're wrong.
GreeneGriz, seems to me you are dealing with a Looney tunes character. I don't believe this character has a clue as to what he is talking about. The guy rambles in general terms and says absolutely nothing.
You really don't have a clue do you?? Want to compare incomes?? You're a clueless idiot and don't even realize it. Lol. If you seen my taxes I just filed you would feel real stupid…. Then again. I don't think you can comprehend 1+1, much less someone's income tax statement. Lol. Those chicken houses grossed me 1/2 million last year. 😂. I decided I wanted more free time and sold ONE of my farms back in January. Keep calling me shallow. Lol
How did you like that ecodrum composter?