Chicken poop

yep!! whats your point!! the majority of chicken houses locally are for eggs!! not for meat chickens!!! again whats your point. end result is the same. chicken **** is just chicken ****!!!
What? You are woefully uninformed. If you live in Tennessee those egg houses are for hatching broilers, aka meat chickens. And the crap from the layers/breeders is different from broilers.
Ah a fellow TPA member, didn't think we had much representation on here.

Litter is going for around 30-32 a ton in my area straight out of the house.
I sell all of mine to a huge row crop farmer. He pays a flat rate/year for it and it's all his. I average around $30/ton when you do the math. I think I sold around 1200 tons last year total. He also buys from several other growers. And his farm ground is a turkey Mecca. Lol.
Well, that might just backfire on a lot of livestock then. Cow manusr, is very strong, and pig manure is really bad. They could then come along and say cattle, pork .... no more. And friend I love my pork and steaks :)
The milk dairy's around here liquify their manure and spray it on fields until they're brown. Lol. Those fields provide the silage and corn that feeds their cows. You can smell it for miles and for several days. It's called F.A.R.M.I.N.G. Using manure for fertilizer is as organic and planet conscience as it gets.
The milk dairy's around here liquify their manure and spray it on fields until they're brown. Lol. Those fields provide the silage and corn that feeds their cows. You can smell it for miles and for several days. It's called F.A.R.M.I.N.G. Using manure for fertilizer is as organic and planet conscience as it gets.
You are correct friend.
It's funny how some can stand the stench of the inner cities and complain about chicken or cow manure. Don't like it stay in your crime ridden city environment.
I sell all of mine to a huge row crop farmer. He pays a flat rate/year for it and it's all his. I average around $30/ton when you do the math. I think I sold around 1200 tons last year total. He also buys from several other growers. And his farm ground is a turkey Mecca. Lol.
Tell us you make $1million a year without telling us you make $1million a year😛
Most if not all of the houses around here are layer/breeder houses. I don't know of any broiler houses local
Then you have no reason to whine. If you don't like the fact 💩smells and other facets of farming that feeds the world, go grab a bag of roasted crickets and quit being a hypocrite.
…..surely you didn't think I was being serious? 😂
Quit being offended so easy. All sh!t stinks—Chicken sh!t just seems to have a special kind of aroma that dwells in the surrounding air for a while.
Just my weekly drop in on the turkey forum. Opening weekend......everyone should be happy. Nah 6 pages of chicken yugo at the top of the forum haha thank you for the entertainment.
You are correct friend.
It's funny how some can stand the stench of the inner cities and complain about chicken or cow manure. Don't like it stay in your crime ridden city environment.
My dads new neighbors from Long Island New York called the police one night because a neighboring farmers cows were bellowing all night after weaning calves. Lol. They also wanted him to do something about all the "cow patties" on his field that they were disgusted to see everytime they looked out their window.
What? You are woefully uninformed. If you live in Tennessee those egg houses are for hatching broilers, aka meat chickens. And the crap from the layers/breeders is different from broilers.
Wayne County is a big county but small population. My Uncle operates 4 houses, good friend from high school operates 6 houses and i know most every other owner in the county!!! layers/breeders here!!! im sorry you think im uninformed!!!! i have been in severe of these houses!!!!! Have You???
Dude, I've got a slew of chickens that we raise for eggs, at this poing. Always keep at least one rooster though. Nor I have two pastures and I spread that chcken s**t on both pastures. I also spread alfalfa in those fields. Grows great and has a constant herds of deer feeding out there in those pastures.
apples to oranges…. red meat to poultry!!! totally different species!!!!!! give me a break here
Had you paid attention to this discussion you would know that what I sell litter for once a year is less than 1/20th of my yearly income. Lol. I'm sorry your so shallow that all you think about is $$ and conspiracy 🐮💩. Maybe it's time to get a life and educate yourself.
****Correction… selling litter made up 1/26th of my gross income for the year in 2022.****
so your total income revolves around a chicken house !! shallow and get a life!! haha. are we in kindergarten!!!! stay classy my friend!!! name calling!!!!
My dads new neighbors from Long Island New York called the police one night because a neighboring farmers cows were bellowing all night after weaning calves. Lol. They also wanted him to do something about all the "cow patties" on his field that they were disgusted to see everytime they looked out their window.
CITY FOLK!!! MORONS!!! AND I'M BEING NICE!! Sure hope those cops just laughed in their faces!
so your total income revolves around a chicken house !! shallow and get a life!! haha. are we in kindergarten!!!! stay classy my friend!!! name calling!!!!
You really don't have a clue do you?? Want to compare incomes?? You're a clueless idiot and don't even realize it. Lol. If you seen my taxes I just filed you would feel real stupid…. Then again. I don't think you can comprehend 1+1, much less someone's income tax statement. Lol. Those chicken houses grossed me 1/2 million last year. 😂. I decided I wanted more free time and sold ONE of my farms back in January. Keep calling me shallow. Lol
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