Chicken poop

You really don't have a clue do you?? Want to compare incomes?? You're a clueless idiot and don't even realize it. Lol. If you seen my taxes I just filed your feel real stupid…. Then again. I don't think you can comprehend 1+1, much less someone's income tax statement. Lol. Those chicken houses grossed me 1/2 million last year. 😂
GreenGriz, you just can't fix stupid. That guy is losing it.
so your total income revolves around a chicken house !! shallow and get a life!! haha. are we in kindergarten!!!! stay classy my friend!!! name calling!!!!
You really don't have a clue do you?? Want to compare incomes??
GreenGriz, you just can't fix stupid. That guy is losing it.
He has the mental ability of a rock.
Dude, you are losing it and not even making any sense anymore. WOW!
He claimed his family is in the chicken business then turns around and says anyone in that business is shallow. Real winner, this guy. I bet it gets real quiet when he walks in the house during the holidays. Someone tie a pork chop around his neck so the dog will play with him.
Had you paid attention to this discussion you would know that what I sell litter for once a year is less than 1/20th of my yearly income. Lol. I'm sorry your so shallow that all you think about is $$ and conspiracy 🐮💩. Maybe it's time to get a life and educate yourself.
****Correction… selling litter made up 1/26th of my gross income for the
Had you paid attention to this discussion you would know that what I sell litter for once a year is less than 1/20th of my yearly income. Lol. I'm sorry your so shallow that all you think about is $$ and conspiracy 🐮💩. Maybe it's time to get a life and educate yourself.
****Correction… selling litter made up 1/26th of my gross income for the year in 2022.****
are u drunk posting?? you called me shallow and to get a life and educate!!!
You really don't have a clue do you?? Want to compare incomes??

He has the mental ability of a rock.
I don't know man, you might be giving him more credit than he has due :)
i will respond when you guys quit acting like teenagers and trying to measure whose d@@@ is bigger!! im proud for yall and ur accomplishments in life!! You might wanna see mine before u keep casting stones !!! I dont brag about my income or my worth!! It speaks for itself !!! I think yall have proved chicken houses and chicken yugo is your livey hood!! btw. you can talk about gross profit all you want. do you wanna discuss acres of land owned and debt????
i will respond when you guys quit acting like teenagers and trying to measure whose d@@@ is bigger!! im proud for yall and ur accomplishments in life!! You might wanna see mine before u keep casting stones !!! I dont brag about my income or my worth!! It speaks for itself !!! I think yall have proved chicken houses and chicken **** is your livey hood!! btw. you can talk about gross profit all you want. do you wanna discuss acres of land owned and debt????
Sure… I own land in 3 counties…all of which make me create passive incomes for me….and since selling one of my farms, am debt free except for one farm mortgage and will have it paid off in less than 3 years.
explain why it isnt!!!!
Several university studies have already extensively explained how all of your fears and old wives tales have never manifested into a credible and provable threat to any turkey or turkey population.
Their conclusions on the "decline" in turkey populations have more ties to loss of habitat, increased predation, and poor hatch rates because of those issues.
explain why it isnt!!!!
Several university studies have already extensively explained how all of your fears and old wives tales have never manifested into a credible and provable threat to any turkey or turkey population.
Their conclusions on the "decline" in turkey populations have more ties to loss of habitat, increased predation, and poor hatch rates because of those issues.
I didnt ask you!!! cant you read! you have a major complex going on!!
Sure… I own land in 3 counties…all of which make me create passive incomes for me….and since selling one of my farms, am debt free except for one farm mortgage and will have it paid off in less than 3 years.
good for You. at least i know You own 40 acres at least!!! congratulations

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