Chicken poop

I'm not denying that at all, and clearly it was some sort of disease most likely, but it would be incredibly unlikely that the disease stemmed from chicken litter used all across the southeast but only affected the birds in a few TN counties.
It isn't just a few Tennessee counties

Part of Alabama I hunt has as many as we did 20 years ago. Then big buildings started popping up. Population way down there as well.

I guess if TN deer wants to ban me after 22 years for simply saying what I've seen in several areas then so be it. But trust me, I'm just one of many who put two and two together.

If not that maybe Bigfoot, who knows.
It isn't just a few Tennessee counties

Part of Alabama I hunt has as many as we did 20 years ago. Then big buildings started popping up. Population way down there as well.

I guess if TN deer wants to ban me after 22 years for simply saying what I've seen in several areas then so be it. But trust me, I'm just one of many who put two and two together.

If not that maybe Bigfoot, who knows.
Again… there is entire areas of states that have no litter spreading happening that they claim has had population declines too.
notice how no one wants to address loss of habitat, increased predation, bird flu, etc?
But let's blame something that was happening long before turkeys were prolific and was happening on a HUGE scale DURING the population explosion of the wild turkey. Lol makes perfect sense.
Common sense isn't so common anymore. This thread is proof of that.
Again… there is entire areas of states that have no litter spreading happening that they claim has had population declines too.
notice how no one wants to address loss of habitat, increased predation, bird flu, etc?
But let's blame something that was happening long before turkeys were prolific and was happening on a HUGE scale DURING the population explosion of the wild turkey. Lol makes perfect sense.
Common sense isn't so common anymore. This thread is proof of that.
do you own chicken houses or use manure for fertilizer??
It isn't just a few Tennessee counties

Part of Alabama I hunt has as many as we did 20 years ago. Then big buildings started popping up. Population way down there as well.

I guess if TN deer wants to ban me after 22 years for simply saying what I've seen in several areas then so be it. But trust me, I'm just one of many who put two and two together.

If not that maybe Bigfoot, who knows.
it ain't rocket science bama!! 1+1 =2. timing and location tells the story unless there is monetary gains involved!!!!
I've grown chickens and worked in the industry all my life and never heard of that law and I'm a dues paying member of the Tennessee Poultry Association and attended every single meeting and law making session and round table discussion that happened.
You're probably referring to CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operations) permits that the USDA required anyone feeding animals of any kind in a concentrated area to keep record of who and how much manure they sold if it left their property.
All litter , goes thru a heat whether it is removed from the houses or not. It heats naturally. The more it is moved and piled the more heats it goes thru.
Most growers windrow their litter and let it go thru heats between growouts because it basically pasteurizes the litter and kills any pathogens that might be in the litter.
BTW, the Trump administration ended the unlawful and unconstitutional and unjust CAFO permit regulations that the Obama administration enacted. It cost farmers thousands of dollars each year just to file the paperwork.
Ah a fellow TPA member, didn't think we had much representation on here.

Litter is going for around 30-32 a ton in my area straight out of the house.
Again… there is entire areas of states that have no litter spreading happening that they claim has had population declines too.
notice how no one wants to address loss of habitat, increased predation, bird flu, etc?
But let's blame something that was happening long before turkeys were prolific and was happening on a HUGE scale DURING the population explosion of the wild turkey. Lol makes perfect sense.
Common sense isn't so common anymore. This thread is proof of that.
Maybe there, but not here. Twerent any spreading until around '04 predators have been predatoring for years and years (yes I do trap) and habitat loss isn't an issue here. So there's only one factor left....
Again… there is entire areas of states that have no litter spreading happening that they claim has had population declines too.
notice how no one wants to address loss of habitat, increased predation, bird flu, etc?
But let's blame something that was happening long before turkeys were prolific and was happening on a HUGE scale DURING the population explosion of the wild turkey. Lol makes perfect sense.
Common sense isn't so common anymore. This thread is proof of that.
They may have "declines" we had near extinction in a matter of 1-2 years. Large scale kill off, starting in southern Lawrence County and spreading east and west into giles and Wayne. Giles has recovered pretty good, Wayne decent Lawrence is still a crap show and this was 90% the lower half of those counties
What about Histoplasmosis issue increases in regards to more chicken houses and chickenshit being spread? Is that a concern, or just something a few groups are using as an argument? I'm off topic for sure as I'm more concerned with human impact 1st, vs wildlife impact. I don't know the science at all on any of this, which is why I'm asking. Many "groups" seem to offer data tied to chickencrap spread..and increased health issues. Of course many groups had myself and other believing we'd all die of COVID (don't get me wrong as I lost friends to COVID) yet it didn't impact most of us as we were led to believe.
No expert weigh-in's at all?
I am not saying I know the cause but I do believe in Perry, Hickman, and Lewis counties when Hughes lumbar company cut all the timber they did it contributed to the turkey decline in these counties. Huge cut overs that Williamette would have checker boarded. Also with these huge cut overs there was a drastic increase in feeders filled with corn. Could be coincidence but I don't think so. There were places cut overs were so large a turkey couldn't have found a roost tree anywhere. It is a shame it was allowed to happen.
yep!! whats your point!! the majority of chicken houses locally are for eggs!! not for meat chickens!!! again whats your point. end result is the same. chicken **** is just chicken ****!!!
Eggs or meat chickens. They all 💩 and it all gets taken out and spread on the ground. In fact, egg laying and breeder chickens 💩 more because they are larger, older, and eat more during their life than a 36-48 day old broiler.
You might just want to back out of this conversation. Because you obviously "don't know 💩". Lol
Eggs or meat chickens. They all 💩 and it all gets taken out and spread on the ground. In fact, egg laying and breeder chickens 💩 more because they are larger, older, and eat more during their life than a 36-48 day old broiler.
You might just want to back out of this conversation. Because you obviously "don't know 💩". Lol
and how much revenue do you get from chicken yugo!! btw. i know yugo when i hear it!!!!! im sorry you think your lively hood is threatened!!!!! keep spreading yugo!!!
and how much revenue do you get from chicken ****!! btw. i know **** when i hear it!!!!! im sorry you think your lively hood is threatened!!!!! keep spreading ****!!!
Had you paid attention to this discussion you would know that what I sell litter for once a year is less than 1/20th of my yearly income. Lol. I'm sorry your so shallow that all you think about is $$ and conspiracy 🐮💩. Maybe it's time to get a life and educate yourself.
****Correction… selling litter made up 1/26th of my gross income for the year in 2022.****
Should be made illegal due to the putrid smell it permeates through the air. 🤮
Well, that might just backfire on a lot of livestock then. Cow manusr, is very strong, and pig manure is really bad. They could then come along and say cattle, pork .... no more. And friend I love my pork and steaks :)
Well, that might just backfire on a lot of livestock then. Cow manusr, is very strong, and pig manure is really bad. They could then come along and say cattle, pork .... no more. And friend I love my pork and steaks :)
I missed that reply about the smell. Lol. Hilarious.
Too many panty-waists moving to the country and trying to tell farmers how to do what they've been doing for decades. Good grief. Move back to the city "girly man.".
and how much revenue do you get from chicken ****!! btw. i know **** when i hear it!!!!! im sorry you think your lively hood is threatened!!!!! keep spreading ****!!!
Dude, I've got a slew of chickens that we raise for eggs, at this poing. Always keep at least one rooster though. Nor I have two pastures and I spread that chcken s**t on both pastures. I also spread alfalfa in those fields. Grows great and has a constant herds of deer feeding out there in those pastures.