For sure, KY soil is better, and KY's short gun season with a 1-buck limit allows more bucks to survive the season. Half as many days to gun hunt in KY; buck limit is half as many.
Not saying I prefer this over TN's 2-buck limit and longer gun season.
Just pointing out how there are some noteworthy differences, besides the soil, in KY vs TN.
IMO, one of the biggest differences between what happens north vs south of the TN-KY state line is LESS antler high-grading in KY than in TN.
Many, many reasons, but just saying, even visiting non-resident hunters to KY are less likely to kill a top-end 2 1/2 than they would while hunting in TN.
Can't have many top-end older bucks when most top-end younger bucks are killed by the hunters.