Closest turkey kill


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2011
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I know some guys like to talk about their longest kill shot. That kind of thing makes some hunters mad though. But, back on point, my shortest was 10 yards. Almost took his head off.
I know some guys like to talk about their longest kill shot. That kind of thing makes some hunters mad though. But, back on point, my shortest was 10 yards. Almost took his head off.
I called one in to about 5'. I thought he was going to hit me before I got a chance to had a hen almost touch me with her wing while she was looking for the "hen" she heard calling...was afraid she was going to peck my ear,
Youth season back in like 2003 or 2004. Jake landed off of the roost at like 3 yards, single shot NEF 10 gauge. Only got 3-4 BB's in his head. Then the fight was on. Ended up fighting him down into the creek and basically drowned him. My dad watched and was laughing his ass off the whole time and couldn't help. He still to this day wishes he has a video camera for that hunt. He said it reminded him of the old Jerry Clower coon hunt story. "Shoot in here amongst us, one of us has got to have some relief!!"
I had a jake walk behind an elevated log I was leaning against. I grabbed his feet beneath my leg, under the log. When it started fapping and clucking I realized that I made a mistake and was in way over my head. I let him go, called him back and killed him at 7 yards. Everything I posted above is a lie, but a great story that a seasoned Turkey used to tell around the campfire. RIP Boaty Campbell
When I was running a hunting lodge in KS me and one of the guides went out after the last hunter had left. Guide crawls out into middle of a cut corn field with a fan and starts trying to get a big gobbler in. 6 Jake's cut off the gobbler and head in toward the guide. First Jake jumps the fan and starts mauling my guide. Watched him strangle that bird and fell down I was laughing so hard.
I'd say maybe 6-7 feet is my closest shot, had a quarter size hole in the back of his head almost missed him he was so close then same year shot one at 15 steps later in the season
It was inside of 20'. He crested on a railroad track right where I was verses where the hens crossed 30 yards away.

There was a train coming as well so I knew I had to make something happen. I nearly missed. He went down and never flopped. Not a good sign.

The train was about 400 yds away and he was laying between the tracks. I grabbed him but he drew his legs up and I only got one. Then he came back to life.

Here I am fighting a turkey that is spurring me like crazy, with a freight train literally bearing down on me…. I tossed my gun and got ahold of the other leg.

I got out of the way of the train, and when it came by, it made the gobbler that much more excited. I had him by the legs and it was like flying a June bug on a string. If I had let go, I firmly believe he would have flown off.

Anyway, I got off the crest of the tracks and gave him a good thumping against a poplar tree, and while he was addled, I got my foot on his head. It was one to remember!
killed one with 10 gauge & no. 6s that i could not even see until he stepped around the brushpile i was next to. he was 7-8 ft. dang near missed him trying to fringe him with the pattern up that close. had 5 or 6 pellet holes in head...

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