It was inside of 20'. He crested on a railroad track right where I was verses where the hens crossed 30 yards away.
There was a train coming as well so I knew I had to make something happen. I nearly missed. He went down and never flopped. Not a good sign.
The train was about 400 yds away and he was laying between the tracks. I grabbed him but he drew his legs up and I only got one. Then he came back to life.
Here I am fighting a turkey that is spurring me like crazy, with a freight train literally bearing down on me…. I tossed my gun and got ahold of the other leg.
I got out of the way of the train, and when it came by, it made the gobbler that much more excited. I had him by the legs and it was like flying a June bug on a string. If I had let go, I firmly believe he would have flown off.
Anyway, I got off the crest of the tracks and gave him a good thumping against a poplar tree, and while he was addled, I got my foot on his head. It was one to remember!