Controversy in UT - Extremely long post

I have no idea who is being honest, as both versions seem genuine to me. As far as the collar goes, I almost shot a buck one time that had a collar on. The way his head was turned you couldn't see it. The deer in the situation was 600-700 yards away so I could definitely understand the possibility of it not being noticed, especially since it is not bright colored.
I think it's garbage all the way around. Shooting a deer from 600-700-800 yards away and end up with two non-lethal shots. What kind of bragging rights does that produce? Have more respect for the animal. So far away that neither party was aware the other was in the area and also shooting at the same deer. Then upon search and recovery both end up melting down in some capacity. Failure all the way around and nobody has anything to be proud of.
I didn't read it. Don't care. Those yardages are not hunting. Wanna shoot something that far away? Enlist. My opinion that's showing no respect for the sport or the animal. Especially the animal. I enjoy long range work. Even in my prime I would not take a shot that far at a game animal. Coyote,crow,enemy sure. And it's done with disdain and disregard. Not hunters.
I probably would have just let it go even if I was confident it was my deer.

I'm as big as a competitor as anyone…. But I also understand sometimes just turn away and let other people enjoy it
I believe in this situation, the deer was hers. Real shame the situation was what it was, and a shame those bad shots were taken at that deer in the first place. He clearly rushed in taking his shot that hit the leg, was too rushed to even range the deer.
Situations like this aren't as rare as you would think out west. Very limited game, multiple folks know about the same buck, multiple folks coming in from different directions going after same animal.

Hate to say it, but its almost become part of the game out there.

IF she gut shot the animal first, she should have been allowed to put the follow up shots into the animal to finish it off.

Neither party should be hunting again, neither displayed good ethics.
All that information can't be relevant. The lady didn't use paragraphs in her story, so I didn't read it. The guy used proper formatting in his story, but the lady is very good looking. Therefore, without reading the whole thing; I'm siding with her.
Id definitely bag her!
I'm siding with her on this one. Her version seems much more genuine and he seems a little like a dou*%e bag. Not to mention he obviously hunts and has killed many many animals. This was her first big buck. Let her have it and write a good first hand account of the hunt for her. Be a good sport and be gracious. Something this guy knows nothing about
So you are saying if a hunter grazes a deer with a non-lethal shot, and it moves by another hunter who drops it in its tracks it should belong to the first hunter?

Not laughable by any means.

I've been. On plenty of party hunts. Where members of my party called in and said they took a shot but could not locate. Haven't we all ??

In each and every recovery WHERE a 2nd or 3rd party had to make a follow up shot we as sportsman always gave the animal to the original hunter/shooter. After all its that's person's wood wise hunting skills that got that animal harvested in the first place.

The final.shot really means nothing IMHO .

People really get way too worked up over a dang deer.
Reading what info were given I'm siding with her and her husband on this one. Plus the other guy pushing ahead during the track job...seems odd?....Also his company firing him as an outdoor writer says allot...they probably have more details than whats been minimum they felt strongly enough to terminate his employment.
🤣 The same thing would be going on here in Tennessee if they could be seen at 600-700 yards; but they can't.
Completely different situation but I actually had to settle an argument once over a buck....I was a teenager and had two grown men arguing...first shot was behind the shoulder by my neighbor on his land...buck ran onto our place and another guy shot it in the neck and dropped it...I heard them arguing so I got down and walked up and asked both of them their story and proceeded to tell neck shooter #2 that it was not his deer because he was trespassing...shooter #1 shot the deer through the lungs on his property and he has permission from me to recover his deer...and that was that....trespasser left never to be seen again and I went and got truck and helped my neighbor get his buck out....double main beam 9pt with dark chocolate antlers....I'll never forget it.
All phones have video cant tell me someone didn't video when they opened him up or what was going on when they got to it