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cva optima help

I have CVA optima and my father in law has one too we have dune a lot of playing around with the powder if you shot white hots pellets and power ballets shot 150 grains if you shot loose powder shoot 115 grains 777 with 295 grain power helmets reason is the power helmet are quit a bit smaller then the barrel and the need a very very hot charge behind them to swell the sabot out I my self quit shooting the power belts and have went to the Barnes 300 grain sabots the group a little better and havick on deer lol I dropped down my powder to 100 grains and they still shot good groups
i shoot muzzle loaders all the time and my optima only liked 100 gr of Pyrodex pellets or 85 gr of 777 loose with a 295 gr PB. I tried a lot of combos but this was the only one that shot well.

I have pretty much gone to loose powder for everything. You get more shots for your money and it is easy to vary the charge. I weigh mine on a small electronic scale.
i shot mine when i had it with BH powder and 250g Barnes. i tried 777 pellets and poweder and it was all over the place. Went to BH and it was a nice 1" group at 100yds all day long.
I went to the 295 SST or barnes 295 the longest shot I will get where I hunt would be about 100 yards if that so I prefer something with some knock down behind it

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