CWD Discovered in Alabama

Seeing that CWD has been around for decades, and there is still good deer hunting in the areas it was first found, decades ago, and never mind they did essentially nothing back then to "deal with it" . . . . . .

Kinda looks like CWD has become to many our wildlife leaders
what Covid has become to many our political leaders?

As with Covid, I'm afraid our government regulatory "edicts"
may be doing more overall harm than the disease.

As they say, never let a good crisis go to waste.
As far as white tails go with CWD, a different subspecies, a different habitat type, and different hunting culture in the southern states all lead to a need of drastic changes inthoughts in both hunting culture and management techniques. For those that have different opinions than the states approach. I just caution you to think longer term and bigger picture. These stop gap measures And regulations when CWD is first found in a local deer herd, are solely for collecting data and hopefully slowing the spread as much as possible. That is to help protect deer hunting 20 or 30 years from now not just 2 to 3. Also for those that have opinions from outside the hot zones, once it hits in your area you may very well change your tune.
Seeing that CWD has been around for decades, and there is still good deer hunting in the areas it was first found, decades ago, and never mind they did essentially nothing back then to "deal with it" . . . . . .

We've been warned and alerted with the doom & gloom of CWD for decades now. The boy has cried wolf so loud for so long that the scare tactic has lost its effectiveness. This catastrophic collapse of the herd we've been conditioned to expect has not happened, is not happening, and if I were a betting man is not going to happen.

I was hunting elk & mule deer in NM & CO when this thing first broke crazy. There were checkpoints set up to screen game so it couldn't leave the forest without being checked. They did that by decapitating the bull I just spent a fortune to hunt, and we hunters were all supportive because this was a new rapidly spreading disease that was sure to cause all cervids to go extinct. All in the name of data gathering, right? Now 2+ decades later we're still hearing the exaggerated hyperbole scare tactics, but in not a single state has a herd collapsed because of CWD. All the officials say we should be concerned & worried, yet in the epicenter of the disease the hunting industry is thriving bigger than ever. TX has been CWD positive for more than 10yrs & its trophy hunt industry is exploding. What gives?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying CWD is nothing. I do believe it should be taken very seriously. I'm just pointing out the enormous disconnect between the perceived threat of it and reality. Even I get tired of coolaid after awhile.
We've been warned and alerted with the doom & gloom of CWD for decades now. The boy has cried wolf so loud for so long that the scare tactic has lost its effectiveness. This catastrophic collapse of the herd we've been conditioned to expect has not happened, is not happening, and if I were a betting man is not going to happen.

I was hunting elk & mule deer in NM & CO when this thing first broke crazy. There were checkpoints set up to screen game so it couldn't leave the forest without being checked. They did that by decapitating the bull I just spent a fortune to hunt, and we hunters were all supportive because this was a new rapidly spreading disease that was sure to cause all cervids to go extinct. All in the name of data gathering, right? Now 2+ decades later we're still hearing the exaggerated hyperbole scare tactics, but in not a single state has a herd collapsed because of CWD. All the officials say we should be concerned & worried, yet in the epicenter of the disease the hunting industry is thriving bigger than ever. TX has been CWD positive for more than 10yrs & its trophy hunt industry is exploding. What gives?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying CWD is nothing. I do believe it should be taken very seriously. I'm just pointing out the enormous disconnect between the perceived threat of it and reality. Even I get tired of coolaid after awhile.
Extremely well put Ski.

I am not unconcerned about CWD. I started giving public talks about it in the late 90s. I have no problem with limitations on live cervid movements as well as harvested animal body parts. However, as I've said before, I believe some of the measures being hyped by biologists right now will prove to be counterproductive, and some areas will rue the day they followed those recommendations.
Extremely well put Ski.

I believe some of the measures being hyped by biologists right now will prove to be counterproductive, and some areas will rue the day they followed those recommendations.

Yes, very well stated, Ski.

But actually, some of the measures being hyped by biologists now have ALREADY proven to be counterproductive, and many of us are extremely disappointed ALREADY at how our supposed "leaders" have done more harm than good with this issue.

And again similarly, "leaders" have done likewise with the covid issues, much like they have done with the CWD issues, in both cases, their "cures" have done more harm than the diseases.

Am beginning to think we have more a people problem than a disease problem, and what we're most seeing is the problem of some people in charge wanting to OVERLY control EVERYTHING, and based more on how it makes themselves "feel", rather than how good or bad their decisions happen to be.

We're seeing very similar in what our "leaders" have done with the public duck blind situation in Tennessee. Nearly every hunter saw they were doing more harm than good, but they did it anyway, at both great expense to the hunting, and to TWRA's supposed pre-existing financial shortfalls. And never mind the safety (increased danger) issues they created.

Sad so many decisions come down to a "show" of authority & control more than what's actually overall best. We're not following science, we're following commands.
Sad so many decisions come down to a "show" of authority & control more than what's actually overall best. We're not following science, we're following commands.
This is the trend worldwide in all of our supposed "free" countries. This move towards mass Authoritarianism is not going to turn out well. It caused both WW I and WW II. But apparently, some refuse to learn from history. Others intentionally hide history to foster their authoritarian desires.

The rule of the "masses" by a small but wealthy and powerful "elite" didn't go well for France either. I suspect there are many who are googling "How to build a guillotine."
This is the trend worldwide in all of our supposed "free" countries. This move towards mass Authoritarianism is not going to turn out well. It caused both WW I and WW II. But apparently, some refuse to learn from history. Others intentionally hide history to foster their authoritarian desires.

The rule of the "masses" by a small but wealthy and powerful "elite" didn't go well for France either. I suspect there are many who are googling "How to build a guillotine."
Man, BSK!
You knocked it out of the park with these statements!

Everything you said is historically factual & extremely insightful,
and obviously, you have spent much time studying real world history.

I keep telling people, if the most civilized, most educated, most intellectual people in the most advanced country of the world (1940's Germany) can just start, with impunity, murdering those with whom they disagree on politics, or don't like their race, or don't like their economic status ----- SAME can and will happen here with the path we're currently on.

It could even be argued this has already begun in America.

Yes, we're getting a bit side-tracked from CWD in Alabama.
My bad.

But EVERYONE in a "leadership" position should certainly study what has so often happened when leaders arrogantly snub their noses at the masses over whom they "rule". Human nature is what it is, and it's one thing that hasn't changed in thousands of years.
This is the trend worldwide in all of our supposed "free" countries. This move towards mass Authoritarianism is not going to turn out well. It caused both WW I and WW II. But apparently, some refuse to learn from history. Others intentionally hide history to foster their authoritarian desires.

The rule of the "masses" by a small but wealthy and powerful "elite" didn't go well for France either. I suspect there are many who are googling "How to build a guillotine."

🤣 🤣 🤣 The Brits thought they had it rough being whipped by a bunch of insubordinate yahoos.....until they seen what happened to the French
Alabama already has a buck and doe a day limit. Or it used to anyway. So, I don't see much changing on the harvest front. I know state agencies are trying to slow it down, but like Covid, it's gonna go where it wants to go.
The WMAs in the area affected had limited doe days, limited gun hunts, and 3pt on one side antler restrictions. Now its wide open rest of season on these WMAs, kill as many as you want, whatever it is. And im sure less than half will even get sampled.
The WMAs in the area affected had limited doe days, limited gun hunts, and 3pt on one side antler restrictions. Now its wide open rest of season on these WMAs, kill as many as you want, whatever it is. And im sure less than half will even get sampled.
I heard about this yesterday as well. I am an Alabama resident in Lauderdale county and am wondering was this TWRA'S response as well? Is CWD completely decimating the herds in Tennessee counties currently?
For decades the Alabama DCNR was 100% against baiting of deer during deer season. It was very strictly enforced if anything remotely resembling bait was found by a GW. The DCNR used the spread of CWD as one of their tools against feeding/baiting during deer season. They promoted the theory of "congregated animals" was a likely source of the spread of CWD and that feeding stations/bait sites congregated the animals and therefore couldn't be allowed.

Fast forward to when CWD was discovered in TN in counties very near the TN/AL state line. What does DCNR do? They "legalize" baiting during season IF you buy a $15 permit to do so. Now, 10s of thousands of baiting permits are sold every year and the money just rolls in. What happened to their theory on congregating animals? As usual, $$$ trumped any theories, science as well as any wild ass guesses of how CWD is spread.

The people in charge of the AL DCNR are as inept as the liberal democrats now running our country. They both have more interest in absolute control and in lining their pockets than anything else.
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