CWD Discovered in Alabama

For decades the Alabama DCNR was 100% against baiting of deer durning deer season. It was very strictly enforced if anything remotely resembling bait was found by a GW. The DCNR used the spread of CWD as one of their tools against feeding/baiting during deer season. They promoted the theory of "congregated animals" was a likely source of the spread of CWD and that feeding stations/bait sites congregated the animals and therefore couldn't be allowed.

Fast forward to when CWD was discovered in TN in counties very near the TN/AL state line. What does DCNR do? They "legalize" baiting during season IF you buy a $15 permit to do so. Now, 10s of thousands of baiting permits are sold every year and the money just rolls in. What happened to their theory on congregating animals? As usual, $$$ trumped any theories, science as well as any wild ass guesses of how CWD is spread.

The people in charge of the AL DCNR are as inept as the liberal democrats now running our country. They both have more interest in absolute control and in lining their pockets than anything else.
From my experience hunting AL, baiting is going to happen regardless of laws against it. Ive never seen anything like it. I imagine they threw in the towel and decided to cash in.
From my experience hunting AL, baiting is going to happen regardless of laws against it. Ive never seen anything like it.
I can say the same thing about TN.

Most non-hunting members of the general public don't even realize it's illegal in TN because it's such a widespread practice and they see so many hunters buying "deer corn" in November at Walmart.
I can say the same thing about TN.

Most non-hunting members of the general public don't even realize it's illegal in TN because it's such a widespread practice and they see so many hunters buying "deer corn" in November at Walmart.
That's probably true in some areas. I remember a few years ago, on Ames, somebody pulled a few ears of corn and jokingly placed them in front of a deer stand. When discovered, the entire unit of about 4000 acres was shut down from anyone hunting it for 3 weeks to make a point.
As far as white tails go with CWD, a different subspecies, a different habitat type, and different hunting culture in the southern states all lead to a need of drastic changes inthoughts in both hunting culture and management techniques. For those that have different opinions than the states approach. I just caution you to think longer term and bigger picture. These stop gap measures And regulations when CWD is first found in a local deer herd, are solely for collecting data and hopefully slowing the spread as much as possible. That is to help protect deer hunting 20 or 30 years from now not just 2 to 3. Also for those that have opinions from outside the hot zones, once it hits in your area you may very well change your tune.
No. People dont change their tune. I have killed CWD positive deer myself and most people in the CWD zone do not agree with the management practice that twra has put in place. It is ridiculous. Also in three years their prevalence rate from what I understand at Ames has gone from about 18% to about 50%. Also, deer are going to be social animals and find each other. If 2/3 of the deer are wiped out, I really believe the other 1/3 will travel even further to socialize and spread the disease over a larger area. Leave things alone and maybe they will start to slowly develop a natural resistance to the disease.
As far as white tails go with CWD, a different subspecies, a different habitat type, and different hunting culture in the southern states all lead to a need of drastic changes inthoughts in both hunting culture and management techniques. For those that have different opinions than the states approach. I just caution you to think longer term and bigger picture. These stop gap measures And regulations when CWD is first found in a local deer herd, are solely for collecting data and hopefully slowing the spread as much as possible. That is to help protect deer hunting 20 or 30 years from now not just 2 to 3. Also for those that have opinions from outside the hot zones, once it hits in your area you may very well change your tune.

Shooting ever deer in sight is not gonna help deer hunting 20 years from now. If they keep on with the current changes they make when my county hits a positive and it will
Happen I will hang up my stuff and buyno more tn license. I have no desire to go back to hunting like it was in the 80s when u were happy to see any buck. No sir not me.
Shooting ever deer in sight is not gonna help deer hunting 20 years from now. If they keep on with the current changes they make when my county hits a positive and it will
Happen I will hang up my stuff and buyno more tn license. I have no desire to go back to hunting like it was in the 80s when u were happy to see any buck. No sir not me.
Also, TWRA needs to realize their own jobs are at risk doing what they are doing. Fewer deer=fewer hunters=fewer game wardens, biologist, admin., etc...
Also, TWRA needs to realize their own jobs are at risk doing what they are doing. Fewer deer=fewer hunters=fewer game wardens, biologist, admin., etc
You really think the gubments objective is to just eradicate the whitetail population for the sake of a Ted Nugent theory just because?
In spite of all these relaxed regs, actual harvest is down 40% in the heart of the CWD zone. I see this as trend that will continue county by county spreading CWD faster than ever. Hunters are leaving in droves and new hunter recruitment is non existent. Why kill deer you can't eat? Deer populations will continue to grow in spite of CWD and some other mass extinction solution will be required.
In spite of all these relaxed regs, actual harvest is down 40% in the heart of the CWD zone. I see this as trend that will continue county by county spreading CWD faster than ever. Hunters are leaving in droves and new hunter recruitment is non existent. Why kill deer you can't eat? Deer populations will continue to grow in spite of CWD and some other mass extinction solution will be required.
TWRA could throw in free bullets 😂
Has CWD been detrimental on deer herds from out West where it first originated to the Southwhere we are seeing it now?
Has CWD been detrimental on deer herds from out West where it first originated to the South where we are seeing it now?
I can't speak for "detrimental" but I can speak for a disease that's doesn't go away come wet / cold months. One in fact that does kill this species and one in fact that does spread more rapid with high densities. Again, my question was:
What is your proposed plan?
A state rep told me there is a plan in place to eradicate entire herds should it become what they determine as prevalent. Absolute madness.
"Should it become"

Have they more or less given the effected units the means to avoid that? ( bonus deer and extended seasons…)

What's your suggestion to slow the spread?

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