I'm sorry you came to that conclusion. That wasn't my intention. I'm certainly very poorly educated.
I'm not sure which line you read between, but that's not what I meant.
You still haven't answered my original question.
I'll answer your question with my opinion. I don't know exactly what to do, but I sure think I know what NOT to do.
Hunt normally and leave the deer alone otherwise. Killing every deer possible has not worked in other States, and unless Tennessee is incredibly smarter and more gifted in foresight, my guess is that it won't work here either. What the shooting will do, again IMO, is kill the will to hunt for a whole lot of Tennesseans.
This disease has not killed every deer in other States, and I don't think that it will here either. There's a chance that deer will develop an immunity to it eventually, though probably not in our lifetimes.
If it's true that the prions live for years in the ground, the disease will only present again when and if new animals occupy it. Surely to God the powers that be can understand that. It's gonna spread regardless. It won't be stopped.
I'm much more afraid of the attempted "cure" than I am the disease. And yes, even though I live in Middle Tennessee, our farm is in Henry county, so I more than understand how it is to be affected by it.
To loosely quote another member here, " The cure might be worse than the problem". Sometimes doing nothing is a helluva lot better than knee jerk reactions to the panic with, " Well, we have to do SOMETHING!"