Setterman":1kw6bshz said:
Alright I've got a lot to say, haha.
1. Any notion that subordinate birds just step in when a dominant bird goes down and commence to breeding is patently false. Sure sometimes they do. But most of the time they've been whipped to where they don't gobble, they won't strut in places where the boss bird was and therefore don't have the opportunity. Therefore by decoying, reaping etc the dominant birds early lots of hens go unbred.
2. There is zero skill in sitting a blind watching a cow pasture with a decoy spread. You can't get caught moving, you don't have to call, you don't have to set up, all you do is sit and wait. Watch any one of the eight million videos on YouTube of birds running in and dying after never being called to. A lot of times these birds don't even gobble.
3. Calling with decoys is only making noise to get attention for most of the people using these tactics. It's not calling thenbird in, it's getting his attention.
4. I will stand by my opinion that modern decoys, blinds, reaping etc are directly responsible for the decline of our population. Too many breeder gobblers are getting whacked too early and therefore hens are going unfertilized. With poult mortality so high, every one counts so removing some % is always negative. The faster these tools are removed the better off the sport and population will be. The people that get so bent out of shape discussing this realize they stand no chance without them, and therefore are terrified of a world where they have to actually learn to turkey hunt.
1. Several years in a row I have seen subordinate birds step in within 3-4 days and take over a location. When they did, they gobbled their heads off and strutted like crazy, after a few days of not being whipped, they take over. I have seen this happen multiple times in a single season. This is their nature. And if new toms did not step in the hens would go find new toms. A turkeys range is huge. When hens are covering that range they are probably running into new toms on farms where there is little to no hunting pressure.
2. There is not much skill involved in blind hunting i agree. But blind hunting is not 100%. But people were doing this a long time before all this talk about population decrease and the population was fine, some would say too many hens, how many years did i hear that. But lots of people use decoys without a blind, which is much harder. I have seen toms come running to a call from a blind, maybe we should outlaw blinds. Heck, i've had toms come running at me through a field i was standing in.
3. Calling in general is just getting the birds attention, with or without decoys. Toms come into the craziest sounds from hunters, if you have hunted with many people you have seen this. Calling is not some majestic skill. I have videos of 2 6 year olds calling in dominant toms by making horrible turkey sounds with their mouths. Yes mastering a turkey call is a great skill, but you can be far from a master and kill tons of birds with them, i know from a huge amount of experience.
4. Turkey hunting without decoys is not that difficult, did it for years, killed lots of birds. I just don't know why those so quick to want to outlaw decoys are so against outlawing calls.
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