Deer in residential neighborhoods

large caliber air rifle. They are expensive, but most are silenced and do not have a velocity high enough to go through a tree. if you neck shoot them at close range they will most likely drop. I believe air rifles do not classify as a firearm and therefore do not fall under firearm regulations.
You are right, they aren't firearms, but many cities regulate air rifles as well. I've been wanting one for a long time, but the price tag on them is bigger than a really nice powder burner! I may "pull the trigger" on one this year that can double as an air bow.

My primary concern with neighborhood hunting is first of all safety. I must have a solid backstop. I hunt a ravine that is almost straight up on the other side with no houses around. Then the other concern is trying to get a wounded animal out of a yard. I almost had it happen once, the buck died in the gas line right of way. I just reached over and pulled it back into the woods before anyone saw me. :p
large caliber air rifle. They are expensive, but most are silenced and do not have a velocity high enough to go through a tree. if you neck shoot them at close range they will most likely drop. I believe air rifles do not classify as a firearm and therefore do not fall under firearm regulations.
A fella I know has a
.357 air rifle, unsilenced.
I fired it and was shocked at how loud it was.
Might as well shoot a real rifle
A fella I know has a
.357 air rifle, unsilenced.
I fired it and was shocked at how loud it was.
Might as well shoot a real rifle
the one's that are silenced are pretty quiet from what I have seen on TV. I pretty sure being they are air rifles, they do not classify as a Firearm, so you should be able to silence them with no paperwork or ATF stamp.
the one's that are silenced are pretty quiet from what I have seen on TV. I pretty sure being they are air rifles, they do not classify as a Firearm, so you should be able to silence them with no paperwork or ATF stamp.
You are 100% correct. I was able to purchase one for one of my PCP rifles without anything special. It is SO quiet, but it is a low end Discovery that I use for squirrel hunting.
Not to be argumentative but when you spray plants with Roundup are you harvesting them or killing them? We are saying the same thing just semantics. Anyway, crossbow head shot if your good enough. I have the same problem thinking about the shot deer during next to a neighbors front door. Not good. Somehow they killed (harvested) a lot of deer at the Hermitage over here and I don't see them anymore. Was herds of them there. Must have been professionals. That's Davidson county.
Professional removal might be an option
You are 100% correct. I was able to purchase one for one of my PCP rifles without anything special. It is SO quiet, but it is a low end Discovery that I use for squirrel hunting.
A little more info please, price where you bought it, brand. I might be interested in getting something like that for my air rifle
A little more info please, price where you bought it, brand. I might be interested in getting something like that for my air rifle
What kind do you have? Mine is a PCP that you pump up with a high pressure pump. The best way to find out stuff is go over to Gateway for Airguns. They have an amazing community! I used to moderate the hunting forum years ago.
Professional removal might be an option
To be politically correct that is the best option but it's only temporary. The deer will come back since there are great salad bars for them to munch on. TWRA can come up with a maintenance plan however the snowflakes will never approve it. No win here I don't think. A crossbow and being very careful is the best solution I can think of.
Shoot em with a crossbow and fill the freezer during bow season. If anyone gives you any grief call TWRA. Calling a professional is a waste of money when you yourself are a Deer hunter. IMO
Disclaimer, I have never lived in a residential area. Always in the country.
I've seen a huge increase in deer in my somewhat rural neighborhood, yesterday when getting in my truck for work at 430 am there were several in my yard…….a few days ago coming home at dusk I saw at least nine standing in the road at my turnoff to my street
A lady in the edge of city limits of town here posted a pic on Facebook, right after the season ended ,of 20+ deer eating bird seed from her and her neighbors yards.

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