Deer in residential neighborhoods

This is where Arkansas got it right, In my opinion. They have it set up on a yearly draw for parks within certain cities for bowhunters, and if I recall correctly, if you are drawn, the tags are state tags, not license tags, so it is almost a kill em all mentality. I know my step brother killed 11 one season on this system.
I had a depredation permit in a subdivision in Knoxville. There was a good backstop, so I just used my muzzleloader I could shoot down in this drainage into an unoccupied side hill.
A Crossbow is your friend. Where my in-laws live is the same way in Soddy and I'm assuming you are probably within a stone's throw from them. The deer mow down the flower beds over night
Quit spreading gossip. There are no deer in Soddy.
This is just my opinion but if they need to be thinned out a little get yourself a crossbow and put some meat in the freezer. Better than you smacking them with the family car. Now is it hunting if you shoot them in the yard, no it's not but it's management. No different then what depredation tags they give to farmers.
Cities can't make and enforce hunting laws.
Hunting is regulated by the state.
Where I live, you can shoot guns in the city limits. You can't shoot within 100 yds of a dwelling unless it's yours.
Correct. I thought about that later after I wrote that. If Knoxville got to write the rules about hunting, there would be none. 10-20 yrs ago, Knoxville did try to ban hunting within city limits only to be reminded of what you stated--The State regulates the hunting.

Thank you for pointing out my error.
Had this turkey in my neighbors back yard a couple weeks ago. This is in Hixson and its quite residential. I've seen deer also. I would love to use a crossbow on them, but again, recovering a deer or turkey in someone else's yard may be difficult.
I help keep our resident herd in check by killing (and harvesting them) two or three does per season...
It keeps my neighbor lady happy cause that is 9 less deer next year.
The unit I hunt has a bag limit of 3 does....
I primarily hunt for meat but if a big bodied buck strolls through, he'll fit in the freezer too.
"Harvest" is a biological term, as deer populations are considered a renewable crop. I use the term all the time on here when referring to biological statements/discussions. However, when I'm hunting, I kill.
I use the term harvest mostly when I'm talking to non Hunters. I do think it should be noted that it is impossible to harvest a deer without killing it!
"Harvest" is a biological term, as deer populations are considered a renewable crop. I use the term all the time on here when referring to biological statements/discussions. However, when I'm hunting, I kill.
I harvest tomatoes and jalapeños from my garden by picking them, I harvest game by killing it.
I help keep our resident herd in check by killing (and harvesting them) two or three does per season...
It keeps my neighbor lady happy cause that is 9 less deer next year.
The unit I hunt has a bag limit of 3 does....
I primarily hunt for meat but if a big bodied buck strolls through, he'll fit in the freezer too.
Merv! Hope you're doing well man!
large caliber air rifle. They are expensive, but most are silenced and do not have a velocity high enough to go through a tree. if you neck shoot them at close range they will most likely drop. I believe air rifles do not classify as a firearm and therefore do not fall under firearm regulations.
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Two big problems in Hendersonville is you have a number of people who feed the deer and a number who get all upset when they talk about killing them