I found this on the web, so y'all know it's gotta be true…
FOCUS THE SUNDAY TENNESSE AN Wednesdoy, November 9, 1 988 November should be rich for hunters i 4 WARREN IH7.AK hocus Wnlt'r November may be the best month of the year for hunters. No fewer than five seasons open this month, and according to Tennes- see Wildlife Resources Agency officials, the 1988-89 season will be a good one. During the first muzzle-loading sea-son which opened Monday and I runs through Sunday hunters are allowed to take one buck. The weeks' long hunt is growing in popularity eve-; ry year, a TWRA official said. "The prospects are going to be ex- cellent this year because we have an increased deer population throughout the state, and the popularity has just increased considerably in the last three years that we have hunted," I said Larry McGinn, the TWRA's Re-I gion II manager.
"We are going to find that a lot of people that formerly gun-hunted are now picking up a muzzle loader and getting involved." Starting Saturday, the muzzle load-: ers will be sharing the woods with ''t rabbit and quail hunters, and McGinn I said at this point their prospects look good. "The early dry weather we had in the spring seems to have created good conditions for reproduction of our rabbit and quail, and we are looking forward to good rabbit and quail seasons," he said. "It's a little early to say for sure because a lot of things affect what happens to rabbit and quail population, but right now it looks like we are going to have a good opener." The following weekend Nov. 19 deer hunters will put up their black-powder guns and break out their modern rifles for the opening of the 1988-89 gun season for deer, another season that McGinn said should be impressive. "It is going to be excellent, and we expect to break another record in the number of deer harvested," he said.
Four days after the deer opener, waterfowlers will get their chance at the well-established flocks of Canada geese on the lower unit of Old Hickory Lake and most of Percy Priest Lake. A two-goose-a-day limit should make this year's special hunt even more attractive, but McGinn urged hunters to remember that the use of steel shot is required. "They need to be cautious about using steel shot and be sure and use it," he said. The goose quota for all of Old Hickory Lake, including the early season and regular waterfowl season which opens Dec 10, will be 1,000. On Percy Priest, the quota will be 200, while at Cheatham Reservior where goose hunting will be allowed only during the regular waterfowl season the quota will be 300.
"But we don't anticipate reaching those quotas, so we do anticipate hunting throughout the season," he said.
I thought I remembered m/z season being two different dates with consecutive days for each..
I also think one hunt was bucs only and the other was either sex..
Other than bow season this was about the only opportunity too kill a doe in most Southern Border Counties legally.. ( Wayne,Lawrence & Giles)