everones in put on a new bow to buy

I have been shooting hoyt bows for the last 19yrs, my brother bought a New Breed Eclispe this year sweet shooting bow, im looking at the New Breed Cyborg for my next bow.
I get to see the difference in technologies every time the boys come over. We have bows from 1987, the mid '90's, and the newest is a 2004 model. It's my son's and is still a 9 year old bow but it amazes me that his bow at 58lb 75% let off is faster than my bow at 72lb draw.
serriaman07 said:
just about everywhere I go to look at bow they don't have much cause I shoot left handed

I feel your pain man! If all the dealer has is right handed bows to demo try and have them drop an inch on draw length and shoot it left handed. That is what I have to do every year. I've shot almost every new bow that way.

It's a little awkward but it is about the only way to test bows if you are left handed. Unfortunately for us very few dealers have left handed bows in stock
I shoot mathews and have for years now , but shop around and shoot all brands and you will know when you found the bow for you.