Fighting Updykes vs. Miss. St.

Spurhunter said:
Football Hunter said:
Whats the deal with Fighting Updykes BTW,never heard that before I don't think.

Never heard of Harvey Updyke? Alabammer's biggest fan? He's like a mascot. A shining representation of the fan base.

That's like saying the THREE ex-vols that have killed people while driving intoxicated are shining representations of ex-vol football players.
Hangnail said:
Spurhunter said:
Football Hunter said:
Whats the deal with Fighting Updykes BTW,never heard that before I don't think.

Never heard of Harvey Updyke? Alabammer's biggest fan? He's like a mascot. A shining representation of the fan base.

That's like saying the THREE ex-vols that have killed people while driving intoxicated are shining representations of ex-vol football players.

Not like it at all. Everyone condemns drunk driving and vehicular homicide. Many alabammer fans will admit they are glad Updyke poisoned Auburn's trees. That's the difference. ;)
Spurhunter said:
Hangnail said:
Spurhunter said:
Football Hunter said:
Whats the deal with Fighting Updykes BTW,never heard that before I don't think.

Never heard of Harvey Updyke? Alabammer's biggest fan? He's like a mascot. A shining representation of the fan base.

That's like saying the THREE ex-vols that have killed people while driving intoxicated are shining representations of ex-vol football players.

Not like it at all. Everyone condemns drunk driving and vehicular homicide. Many alabammer fans will admit they are glad Updyke poisoned Auburn's trees. That's the difference. ;)

That's funny, I don't know any that approve of what Updyke did. And yes, it's exactly the same analogy as defined by your post.
Hangnail said:
Spurhunter said:
Football Hunter said:
Whats the deal with Fighting Updykes BTW,never heard that before I don't think.

Never heard of Harvey Updyke? Alabammer's biggest fan? He's like a mascot. A shining representation of the fan base.

That's like saying the THREE ex-vols that have killed people while driving intoxicated are shining representations of ex-vol football players.

I would think that being an ex Vol had nothing to do with them being alcoholics and drunk drivers.

What Harvey Updyke did was a result of being a lifelong Bama fan.
If being a lifelong Alabama fan had anything to do with poisoning Auburn's trees, don't you think those trees wouldn't have ever lived long enough to be called trees? Updyke is nuts AND stupid. Being an Alabama fan is way down the list of what he is.
Yes but his actions were vengeful towards Auburn because of his love for Alabama football.

I don't think 3 UT players getting behind the wheel drunk and killing somebody was a result of being a UT alumni.
I understood what you said and why you said it. What I was saying about the 3 Vols, since you used that example, is them being alcoholic and involved in DUI with fatality was not a direct result of them being UT alumni.

What Updyke did was directly related to him being an Alabama fan.
The point I'm trying to make isn't related to the point you were trying to make if that helps.
Hangnail said:
Updyke was said to be a shining representation of Alabama fans. I said what I said. Both are invalid. That's my point.

Deny it if you wish but there is a lot of the 85% that applaud Updyke. If you are a lifelong bammer fan as you say and you spend any time with the fans or on message boards you know this. I've never been to a bammer message board and I saw it on facebook threads and heard bama fans laugh about it.
I don't do facebook and I don't know any Bama fans that approved of what Updyke did, not a single one. I wouldn't call people on facebook fans of Alabama. From what I've been told, people just like to take things to the extreme on there because of the reaction that can be seen. I don't recall any sports message board Alabama fans cheering the action either. Sure, there were some idiots from other fanbases trying to stir up things worse, but it wasn't Alabama fans. The actual Bama fans know that the powers that be could and would end the games between the two schools if necessary. It's been done before, for 40 years.
I'm sure you've been among a ton of the 85% of the Bama fans that you love to quote and spend the bulk of your free time on their message boards. We all know the truth about you. You're a CLOSET ALABAMA FAN!!!! You probably have Houndstooth sheets and jammies.
Hangnail said:
I'm sure you've been among a ton of the 85% of the Bama fans that you love to quote and spend the bulk of your free time on their message boards. We all know the truth about you. You're a CLOSET ALABAMA FAN!!!! You probably have Houndstooth sheets and jammies.

One thing I'm not is a bammer. I have never had such low self esteem that I had to attach myself to a team in another state that I have no ties to so I could feel like a winner. I've never had a desire to lump myself with trailer trash, incorporate "roll tide" into everyday conversation, name my kid Krimson or Tyde, look for dates at a family reunion, or numerous other despicable things bammers do.

But I understand everyone doesn't know what it feels like to be a winner. So if someone needs to get on the bandwagon of a team in another state and hang out on a Tennessee forum saying "we beat ya'll" even though they are probably lifelong Tennesseans with no ties to alabammer, I'll just to feel sorry for them.
Spurhunter, you seem almost as angry as the Updyke guy. Better let off the steam or you'll blow up. I hear tennis is relaxing to watch.