Well I can say some about other cartridges too. None are perfect. How about guys that use various 7mm Mags. in the woods at 20 yards, or .300 Mags. I know lots of guys have used .243 rifles successfully but, they're not even close to perfect. All I said was the Creedmoor was very accurate but, not awesome for longer shots, and definitely needs good shot placement.
I've been green striped by a few CM fan boys on here because of my stance...I really don't care...all things considered.
To be clear...I was a 6.5 (264) fan while they were still in grade school. I've had several CMs, and am currently hunting with one this year. Plan on buying another one in the near future. But....I didn't drink the Kool aid. The CM is the 40s&w of the 9mm, 40, 45 debate. You can look at it from 2 different sides. It doesn't really have the HP to shoot the heavies that the 6.5 got it's reputation from...plus, it's jammed into a short action...further limiting the seating depth. Yes, it does well with 140 class bullets, but it suffers with the 156-160 class. They will argue that 140 is enough...blah blah blah.
As I said...it's like the 9,40,45 debate.
Fans of the 40 will say...it's bigger than a 9 and holds more than a 45. Myself...it's smaller than a 45 and holds less than a 9.
It can be argued from both sides...just depends on how you look at it.
The CM is a good round...but it ain't no miracle cartridge. And to be honest, it has nothing to offer most hunters at practical ranges...around here. It don't even get an advantage on a 308 till about 600 yards..
Now watch how many will jump on this post about the recoil difference in the 308 and the creedmoor...

While they secretly "hot" load their 300wm....because..."speed kills"...
Oh and they use that 300 for shots less than 200 yards...