Gay 270

I will add, you cant "throw out recoil difference" in an argument because it DOES impact shooting performance for most people especially for those that dont shoot a ton every year. A 270 has 50% more recoil then a 6.5 which is A LOT for a high percentage of people. Impacts site impact through the scope, impacts forming bad habits for shooting to name a few. I understand that for some 270 recoil isnt much at all which is great if you feel that way but for smaller or more recoil sensitive people 270 is right on that line of being uncomfortable to shoot.

not trying to add on to the argument between the 2 cause I dont own either caliber or plan to ever own either so I dont have a dog in that debate.
I don't even engage my shoulder to the buttstock on my 6.5 CM bc it has a factory brake on it, and it has next to no recoil. Just touch the trigger and it barely moves. 😊

celebs GIF
I have a 30.06, 270, .308, 223, 22-250, 12ga slug, 50 cal ml, 45 cal ml so far dead deer haven't complained. I haven't lost a deer with a rifle yet. I am looking at a6.5 now because I can get a savage for less than $300 new at Walmart right now. So I may do that. Then maybe I can find a complaining deer or maybe a dead one at the end of the blood trail.
I don't even engage my shoulder to the buttstock on my 6.5 CM bc it has a factory brake on it, and it has next to no recoil. Just touch the trigger and it barely moves. 😊
Is it loud? I hate a loud gun more than recoil!
I will add, you cant "throw out recoil difference" in an argument because it DOES impact shooting performance for most people especially for those that dont shoot a ton every year. A 270 has 50% more recoil then a 6.5 which is A LOT for a high percentage of people. Impacts site impact through the scope, impacts forming bad habits for shooting to name a few. I understand that for some 270 recoil isnt much at all which is great if you feel that way but for smaller or more recoil sensitive people 270 is right on that line of being uncomfortable to shoot.

not trying to add on to the argument between the 2 cause I dont own either caliber or plan to ever own either so I dont have a dog in that debate.
I agree...the CM is much more comfortable to shoot. The only reason I mentioned recoil difference is because I "KNOW" that some of the ones preaching it also shoot 300WM and SMLs. So I just assumed that recoil isn't much of a factor for them.
Suppressors have changed everything for me personally. I was always recoil sensitive with the SOUND being a big part of that. Since getting into the suppressor world now I really enjoy shooting more and more. Now I like to go plink and shoot all the time and it opened up bigger calibers I didnt like shooting before.
When loaded with high BC bullets. Most folks don't reload or do they shoot at deer over 400 yards. They buy a gun a couple boxes of shells go to the range and go hunting. So you're calling folks ignorant for not hunting with a cartridge you don't hunt with. Got it. 👍 still stand by my statement. It's got a long way to go to get to the body count of the 270.
Speaking of hills, I would say the 30-30 still has an impressive mountain for the rest of the deer slayers to climb. Take a look at that ballistic chart and compare it with all of rest of them. It's not pretty but it puts deer in the freezer every year.

One last question to all , If the 270 is gay, that would make the 6.5cm transgender
q u e e r , right?
I'm standing by for the tsunami
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I love guns and shooting, but I'm not a "gun guy" like some of you. I don't handload. I've never tried to understand a lot of the terminology yall use. I like to shoot and I shoot better and enjoy it more when there's less recoil. I shot a 7mm-08 for years and now I've been shooting a 6.5cm for a few years. I've never lost a deer with either. I worry more about shot selection and shot placement than kinetic energy and ballistic coefficients. I enjoy the manbun jokes and I don't know why the popularity of the 6.5cm gets people so spooled up. Shoot what you like. Practice with your rifle. Make good shot selections. Put the bullet in the right spots.
Well @Jcalder is the only one that can wrap his mind around anything ballistics and physics doesn't apply to his world so if y'all have any questions ask the all knowing the rest of us are just idiots. 90 years of killing animals all over the world doesn't apply now that the 6.5CM is available. Better protect your deer it's gonna eradicate em all.
I love guns and shooting, but I'm not a "gun guy" like some of you. I don't handload. I've never tried to understand a lot of the terminology yall use. I like to shoot and I shoot better and enjoy it more when there's less recoil. I shot a 7mm-08 for years and now I've been shooting a 6.5cm for a few years. I've never lost a deer with either. I worry more about shot selection and shot placement than kinetic energy and ballistic coefficients. I enjoy the manbun jokes and I don't know why the popularity of the 6.5cm gets people so spooled up. Shoot what you like. Practice with your rifle. Make good shot selections. Put the bullet in the right spots.
Agreed. The small advantage the CM has at "over 600 yards" is of no concern to 99 percent of hunters. Keep in mind, that's where the CM starts to CATCH UP!!. It's not like it was beating them up to that point. The link I posted above shows the CM still behind the 270 at 800 yards.
If my memory serves me...the CM was designed for paper punchers...and I assume it excels at that. It just boggles my mind at all the people that get butthurt when you say that practical ranges, other cartridges are better suited for deer hunting. Not to imply that the CM isn't capable...but at practical ranges, others are just as good...or even better.
As for my opinion...this is "tndeer", not "tnpaperpunchers". My opinion only applies to hunting Tennessee whitetail deer.
For the record, and I'm a big 6.5 fan, I would just as soon use a 243 win as anything else. And I've killed deer with everything from 223 to 45-70.
Agreed. The small advantage the CM has at "over 600 yards" is of no concern to 99 percent of hunters. Keep in mind, that's where the CM starts to CATCH UP!!. It's not like it was beating them up to that point. The link I posted above shows the CM still behind the 270 at 800 yards.
If my memory serves me...the CM was designed for paper punchers...and I assume it excels at that. It just boggles my mind at all the people that get butthurt when you say that practical ranges, other cartridges are better suited for deer hunting. Not to imply that the CM isn't capable...but at practical ranges, others are just as good...or even better.
As for my opinion...this is "tndeer", not "tnpaperpunchers". My opinion only applies to hunting Tennessee whitetail deer.
For the record, and I'm a big 6.5 fan, I would just as soon use a 243 win as anything else. And I've killed deer with everything from 223 to 45-70.
We just can't wrap our simple minds around how great it really is trapper. Maybe one day we will understand.
We just can't wrap our simple minds around how great it really is trapper. Maybe one day we will understand.
It's like the McLaren 720s... It performs great at 180 mph, but how many places around here can you drive 180mph?
I can respect it for what it is, but for practical won't get me from point a to point b any better than anything else.
I've killed the last four or five deer I've taken with a Creedmoor 6.5 barrel on my TC Encore. Handloads with 143gr Hornady ELD-X.

I'm seriously considering retiring it. Not cuz it doesn't do an outstanding job, but cuz it has absolutely MANGLED every deer I've shot with it. It's doing too much damage. I couldn't bring myself to take photos of the last deer where I walked up on it cuz it looked like a really gross crime scene. Just nasty.
I handload 143 gr eldx for 6.5cm as well. Haven't had any issues with it causing excessive damage though.
Think I need to run my .270 handloaded 145 grain eldx through the chrono and compare to the 6.5 handloaded 143 grain eldx. I am gonna guess that with the 270 running the same powder (imr4350), but 10 grains more, that velocities and drop will be better with the 270. I like both and have killed a lot of animals with both. Can't see any reason for bashing either.
Think I need to run my .270 handloaded 145 grain eldx through the chrono and compare to the 6.5 handloaded 143 grain eldx. I am gonna guess that with the 270 running the same powder (imr4350), but 10 grains more, that velocities and drop will be better with the 270. I like both and have killed a lot of animals with both. Can't see any reason for bashing either.
The link I posted above was a comparison using those bullets. The 270 shot flatter, and hit harder, than the CM beyond 800 yards. The CM did have less wind drift (2"less) than the 270.