Well-Known Member
Wes Parrish said:....But to the kid with his single barrel 20 gauge and a few left over squirrels shells, you can still have a great opportunity to kill a turkey, without needing a different choke or some expensive shells.
This is the position I find myself in. I have a Winchester 1400 Modified Choke barrel, and access to a Winchester 1200 Full Choke barrel. My son's NEF Pardner 20 ga. modified choke is in the works. I took both out today and shot both guns at 15, 30, and 40 yards to pattern. At first I tried just Federal #7 to get an idea of what they were capable of and then tried my turkey loads. When my son's gun gets here we'll give that a whirl too.
Being out of work throws a bit of a different light on how you spend money, and both guns being limited to 2 3/4" shells narrows the ammo selection as well. Bass Pro only had two types that were in my price range. Winchester Super X and Kent Ultimate Diamond. I wound up picking of a box of the Kent as they were almost $1.00 cheaper. And they had a faster fps than the Winchesters.
The 1200 threw a better pattern at 15 yards then the 1400, but out past that it was a toss up. One key note here, when shooting the 1200 the wad hit the target at 15, 30, and 40 yards. Thought that was rather interesting. To be honest I think I'll stick with my 1400.
Who ever was talking about getting their teeth rattled wasn't kidding. If the 2 3/4 loads kick like that I'm not sure if I want to know what a 3 or 3 1/2 are like. I think I will be able to identify you guys shooting 10 ga.'s, I'll just be looking for the guys who's shoulder has been rearranged and is now protruding out of the middle of your back

So I'm at my Winchester 1400 ($250.00 7 years ago), Kent Ultimate Diamond shells ($8.99), HS Strut S.U.V. Vest ($40.00), and a multi-pack of HS Strut calls (crow, hoot, double D, and striker) I found at Walmart for under $20.00. Probably too many to start with but I like my gadgets too! So I'm in the field for a less than $325.00, and really only $75.00 for this year