HB 1618

That's people's opinions that's what you asked for. You keep saying hunt your hunt. We are the ones that are for baiting are the ones trying to change the way we hunt our hunt. In all honesty it should be illegal to bait year round. Summer baiting is the most risky anyways.
I've always said either make it legal or outlaw feeding wildlife altogether. Summertime corn kills turkeys
You seem to think sitting in a shooting house is like fishing in a bucket, you're welcome to come sit in mine. You'll change your mind very quickly.
if its not a luxury or a easier way to hunt remove it from ur property. climb a tree and sit on a limb or the ground!!! while you are wearing your checked red flannel shirt!!!!
You seem to think sitting in a shooting house is like fishing in a bucket, you're welcome to come sit in mine. You'll change your mind very quickly.
Just stating a fact. Hunting over bait ain't hunting so is setting in a shooting hunting ? Same logic ...just waiting on a deer . Think about it . Say it's wrong and illegal now to hunt over bait and I'll agree were it's not to set in a shooting house . All about the terminology.
Just stating a fact. Hunting over bait ain't hunting so is setting in a shooting hunting ? Same logic ...just waiting on a deer . Think about it . Say it's wrong and illegal now to hunt over bait and I'll agree were it's not to set in a shooting house . All about the terminology.
You don't wait on a deer sitting in a tree stand, watching an oak flat, or a pinch point.
I'm in Alabama and I wish they wouldn't have allowed baiting here. No bait on the WMA, just private but baiting and cell cams have been detrimental to the quality of deer able to survive IMO. Why pass that 130" 3 year old when I know for a fact there's nothing bigger around? All that leaves is the 5 year 100" bucks. 10 years of that has made it hard to even find an higher scoring older age class buck. I hate baiting. Just my two cents.
Cameras work both ways. You say why pass the 130 when it's the biggest you've got? Could also say why shoot that 130 when you've got pictures of a 150. Ive got standards I've set for myself and I stick to them. They can change year to year based on what I'm seeing on camera. That being said most of the deer I've killed I've never gotten pictures of.
First I'm against baiting, if it happens to be legal I won't bait. I find it ironic the ones that push against baiting the hardest hunt food plots.
I don't find it that ironic. Those that hunt food plots put in the time and the work to try to improve their odds and they don't like the idea of putting in all that effort for the guy across the fence to just go dump out a pile of corn. Corn is king. Those food plots will become less frequented once the corn piles come out. It makes perfect sense why food plots hunters would be against baiting
That's fine and dandy but the words lazy , unethical and many others were throwed in the mix . No need for that ...that's why we have discussions to educate . It educated me but some reasons where not valid except the harmful effects to wildlife.
baiting would end up making parcels of land that are currently "unhuntable" huntable. Every acre back yard that butts up to farm land or woodlots will have a corn pile and a teenage seek one watcher hunting from their swing sets
Just as most people know right from wrong they can also distinguish fair from unfair hunting pretty easily. If I have to try to convince myself that shooting deer over corn is a good thing… that in itself tells me it's probably a bad thing. Hard no for me. I can think of a whole pile of negative impacts and a very short list of positive outcomes.
Cameras work both ways. You say why pass the 130 when it's the biggest you've got? Could also say why shoot that 130 when you've got pictures of a 150. Ive got standards I've set for myself and I stick to them. They can change year to year based on what I'm seeing on camera. That being said most of the deer I've killed I've never gotten pictures of.
Yessir, that's my point. And a lot more 130s get killed than 150, simply due to there being far more 130s than 150s. I too have standards but folks like you and I arent the norm here. Most folks here are going to kill their 3 bucks. They've paid for that lease, or bought that land, bought that $120 worth of licenses for the year, and they're gonna get their moneys worth. As far as the cameras, honestly, every deer that I've killed since 2021 (which is 6/7 I believe) I've had pics of and used cameras to find them. I used cams to pattern them, learn their travel routes and core areas, and even used them to tell me when to move in to kill them. I generally do not hunt a property if a deer old enough or high scoring doesn't frequent that property. No telling what deer I missed out on, but I wouldn't have killed the deer I did kill if I would've wasted time hunting a ghost.
Yessir, that's my point. And a lot more 130s get killed than 150, simply due to there being far more 130s than 150s. I too have standards but folks like you and I arent the norm here. Most folks here are going to kill their 3 bucks. They've paid for that lease, or bought that land, bought that $120 worth of licenses for the year, and they're gonna get their moneys worth. As far as the cameras, honestly, every deer that I've killed since 2021 (which is 6/7 I believe) I've had pics of and used cameras to find them. I used cams to pattern them, learn their travel routes and core areas, and even used them to tell me when to move in to kill them. I generally do not hunt a property if a deer old enough or high scoring doesn't frequent that property. No telling what deer I missed out on, but I wouldn't have killed the deer I did kill if I would've wasted time hunting a ghost.
If you're still killing 3 bucks you're over the limit. And it's also been proven the majority of hunters weren't tagging 3 bucks.
How would you conclude that the number of hunters in TN is down? With all the people that have moved into TN over the last 10 years, knowing some percentage of them are hunters, it's a literal mathematical impossibility that the hunter numbers in TN has declined.
You've got to add terminations and migration to your equation 😆
I don't find it that ironic. Those that hunt food plots put in the time and the work to try to improve their odds and they don't like the idea of putting in all that effort for the guy across the fence to just go dump out a pile of corn. Corn is king. Those food plots will become less frequented once the corn piles come out. It makes perfect sense why food plots hunters would be against baiting
Both baiting and food plots have the same goal in mind. Draw deer into a chosen location for a shot. If you really want to help deer grab a chainsaw
If you're still killing 3 bucks you're over the limit. And it's also been proven the majority of hunters weren't tagging 3 bucks.
Looks like he is in Alabama, hopefully that's where he is talking about. I reckon I have grown up with the thoughts that baiting was a cheap way to draw animals in, I can see it a bunch of different ways especially from small property owners like me, I only own 1.5ac and kill a deer every 3-5 years on it, that's probably because it's rare I hunt it. I was also taught where to shoot deer with a arrow and pretty much use a gun the same way, not sure we all were taught the same or others were taught to use whatever was needed to get the big bucks, I have never killed a big buck and that's ok, I never hit the lottery either but I don't dwell on the what if's or the maybe's, I tried to be a trophy hunter for 5 years, didn't shoot anything waiting on the big 1. Seen a lot of deer just not what all the tv shows and magazines were showing. Got frustrated and decided to shoot what was offered and have been happy ever since. I have never ran trail cams though it has crossed my mind then decided I like Christmas better not knowing what I might get. The loudest voice or the most $ thrown at something normally wins and the arguments always are so and so state allows it and they still have deer so it must be better right?. Trophy hunting has completely changed the sport from what it was when I got my first bow in the mid 70's. I know times change and we have to change with them but that still doesn't make everything new proper or ethical. Baiting is probably as old as the first man that decided he wanted to eat meat lol. Hard to find a cliff to drive the herd over when your hungry these days. Until a better way to fill the TWRA Commision is found besides politically picked there will be a lot of shat thrown at the wall to see what sticks, most of the time it will be for a small segment with the ear of a commissioner and it's not always in the best interest of hunters or the wildlife. most of us only see a very small segment of the whole state and we have let the TWRA biologists to guide us, I feel they have done a great job, there have been a lot of stuff that didn't make sense to some but did somewhere, it's when the politicians start trying to change stuff looking for a way to put $ into their pockets that the hunters and wildlife suffers.
Agree, the number of hunters in Tn are down. The price of license has tripled since I moved to Tn 25 years ago.
Price of housing has increased a lot more than that in some areas. So has the price of land in most areas. I've not looked, but seems the price of ammo has increased at least that much.
I don't find it that ironic. Those that hunt food plots put in the time and the work to try to improve their odds and they don't like the idea of putting in all that effort for the guy across the fence to just go dump out a pile of corn. Corn is king. Those food plots will become less frequented once the corn piles come out. It makes perfect sense why food plots hunters would be against baiting
I've heard a different story from the advocates that's against baiting . I've been told you'll never shoot a mature buck over a corn pile ....now I'm hearing a different story once again. Been told deer will walk past a cornpile to go to a food plot full of clover so ....Which is it ? Been told that if your for this bill (baiting) then your already baiting which is faise as well . A well known member has hunted my small property so I can prove that . Alot assuming is certainly going on . If you not for baiting just say so ....good grief . I'm not doing it and really don't care either way but thought it being legal in states that joins us so why not Tennessee ? Maybe it would help some poor Joe that can't even kill a doe on his little parcle to be successful.