Heads up...Blazer Vane guys

JayMc -- That Predator vane will probably be on my 3D arrows this coming year. I almost went to it earlier in the 3D season but decided to stick with the X2s. That is going to be a problem with the Helix jig. They made it to really only be useful with "standard" size carbon shafts. More the less, the ones with the .240 size. You can't go any bigger in shaft size or any smaller...the reason is in the clamp itself. It has a build in slot that holds the vane, and it is at the 3 degree angle. If you go to a smaller shaft, the angle would be wrong and since it's fixed position, the fletch wouldn't be making contact with the shaft. If you got to a bigger shaft like a FatBoy, 9.3, CXL, etc...the shaft is too big around to fit into the holder on it.

More the less it's a jig for the .240ish dia shafts. If you are shooting Gold Tip Hunters, Carbon Impact Fat Shafts, Easton LightSpeed and a few more I can't think of, you'll be okay with the jig.

What Bohning COULD do, is make accessory clamps for it for like $10 that would accomidate the smaller shafts for those that like the Axis style arrows, or larger shafts for us 3D guys.
I shoot Fatboys for 3D (FF Flash vanes), Axis for hunting (Blazers), and Navigators for field/fita competitions (FF 187s).

I know there's no way it will work on the 2613s I shoot for indoor 5 spot, but I fletch them with feathers anyway :D
Alright guys I shot another quick round and snapped a pic. Some of you are gonna give me down the road for how pitiful I was shooting but it's hot and sticky outside and I wasn't about to stand out there and keep shooting until I "got it right" for a picture. So I decided whatever the first group was, that's how I'd take the picture.

So here ya go:

Top Dot = 20 yds
Middle Dot = 30 yds
Bottom Dot = 40 yds

I did learn something a while ago: If you are shooting Easton LightSpeeds and have the older ones with the silver unibushings, and you buy new shafts that come preinstalled with the blue unibushings....they wont group together. It took me a minute to figure out why. Then it dawned on me...the blue ones are heavier than the silver ones. I have an HHA single pin sight and I actually had the yardage tape set to the silver unibushing arrows. When I would shoot the new blue ones, they would hit low...as in if the silver ones were hitting center of the dot, the blue ones would be at the bottom of the dot. So I had to re adjust the sight a little to comp for that.

BOWdacious said:
Anyone who says that you shot pitiful needs to come and prove that they can shoot better!:)

I agree ! Crow , you are a good shot on targets and on deer where it really counts. No need for justification. ;)
Crow thanks for the info, I had played with several- Blitz, Jojann, and another that my neighbor has and no luck putting on helical on a blazer until now!

i went to the bass pro Friday and picked up one for $42 buck plus tax, put on 4 sets of blazers, 2 carbon impact 6500 and 2 acc cant remember the #'s butt the thing that i love is that it actually works!i have never shot this tight of a group with a blazer before. it has put my groups an inch tighter!!
thanks again man.
Not to highjack this thread or start a debate , but I have experimented with several types of fletching styles over the years and have never found anything that matches the arrow flight and forgiveness of 4" feathers .
With right wing feathers I can put a greater degree of helical on the fletching and the forgiveness of the feathers will eliminate any potential contact issues with arrow rests . They even work well through a WB rest.
I use Dry Fletch silicone powder waterproofing to treat them before season .
Radar said:
Not to highjack this thread or start a debate , but I have experimented with several types of fletching styles over the years and have never found anything that matches the arrow flight and forgiveness of 4" feathers .
With right wing feathers I can put a greater degree of helical on the fletching and the forgiveness of the feathers will eliminate any potential contact issues with arrow rests . They even work well through a WB rest.
I use Dry Fletch silicone powder waterproofing to treat them before season .

Well after reading this and playing around with some of my fletching. I think it made a little difference on my arrows.

Since fletching and re-reading the post here... I am glad I didnt buy the new jig, because I shoot St Axis Nano 400 shafts.

I wasnt able to put much helical useing the Bitz or the JonJan on the small dia shafts...but it seems the added spin may have helped. OR, when you cant shoot as sorry as me to begin with... some days are a LOT better than other days.. :) Thanks again Crow. BTW Your shot pic looked pretty good to me. Bring on the season!
Radar -- I shot 4" Gateways for years. Only complaint I had about them was the durability factor; i.e. scuff them a little bit and put a little gap in the feather and then they do that dreaded buzzing or whistle when they fly. I never hunted much in the rain so the laying back on the shaft never bothered me but in 3D shooting it was a slight concern.

I'm glad the feathers work well for you. They have worked for years for a lot of people and I know you meant no harm and meant well with your post. I shoot 3D hunter class and hunt with the same setup. From what I've seen on the tourney trails as of late...there ain't NOBODY shooting and winning that are shooting feathers any more. They are shooting vanes. Now THAT was the big push over for me right there. As I said early on in the thread, I'm one always looking to gain an accuracy edge and to make things better. I was one of the few around here still shooting the 4" feathers and I was still shooting good but the others kept edging me out. I knew they'd found something that I didn't have. Most folks on the tourney trail are sporting the Duravanes of some sort, with the X2 Blazers being in the top 3. Now Duravane has the Predator and the Fusion both of which I've heard nothing but good about. I actually bought some Fusion vanes the other day to play with. So we'll see how that goes in a little bit :)

War Eagle -- Yes I've played with the QuickSpins. I've tried the longer version and the shorter version with the same effect. You have to fletch those straight fletch with an offset. They are okay but you'll pay more for them when there are cheaper and better ones out there.
I just better stability with fixed blade broadheads with feathers , especially in the wind. I think the truest test of any vane is the ability to control a fixed blade BH , not what everyone else is shooting on the 3D tournament trail .
I tried both the 4" and 3-1/8" QS vanes 2 yrs. ago, but went to Blazers after that. I just wondered about the 2" QS. They are expensive, and I've had no problems with my Blazers. I shoot CX300's and may try the Bohning jig after the season this year.
I recently purchased 1/2 doz. Gold Tip arrows with 2" vanes. They shoot horrible. I'm getting a ton of arrow loop, with both field points and 3 blade Muzzy's. My 4" vaned arrows shoot fine. I shoot through a Wisker Bisquit. Whats the deal?
BowOnly -- If you purchased the shafts new, they come with 2" Blazers fletched straight with no offset. That's why they fly horrible. I had a buddy of mine buy a dozen and they came in the box prefletched with them like that. I looked at his cause he was having the same problem and knew right away the reason.

You are going to have to refletch them. If you have a normal jig, do them straight with a right offset, with as much of an angle as you can get away with and still have fletch contact with the shaft. Or you can try one of the Helix jigs like I started the thread with and get even better flight.
Radar.i ave shot hem all for a long time and i settled on 5" feathers with fixed blade broadheads.That is what works for me.i do not shoot 3D I just bowhunt.After 96 deer,a mountain lion,bear or 2 and a couple of elk i will stick to my old heavy arrows,feathers,fixed blade broadheads and about 270 ft per second max.I just got no reason to change.there are for sure probably better setups out there but I am like the old dog and the new trick.Screw the new trick I will just lay on the porch and act like I know what I am doing.
For those wanting to play...

Now that I am shooting broadheads exclusively in practice, I had the opportunity to play a little with flight.

I shot two different Blazer arrows too close together and ended up sheering off the fletch. No big deal...I wanted to play anyway. So I ended up stripped 3 of the arrows down and fletched them with my experimental Fusion vanes.

Well the Helix jig does a VERY good job fletching the Fusion vanes boys and girls. So I know now that other 2" vanes can be fletched pretty good on it.

So how about that flight? Well 20-35 yds they actually shoot together with the Blazers. Beyond 40 yds is where I noticed a difference. The Fusion arrows were actually shooting together no matter what. The Blazers beyond 40 will still group but not as close as the Fusions. The difference ain't nothing to really get excited over or such a drastic change to cause me to refletch every thing I have. I was shooting 100 grn 4 blade Muzzy heads, cause those are the only ones I have with dull blades.

Either way you go on the vane choices, Blazers or Fusions, I think you are going to be very happy. The cost of them for 100 count packs are about the same. But for most bowhunters around here who will be shooting 35 yds max, and mostly 25 yds...you realistically ain't gonna tell much difference in them. Atleast not fletched out of the Helix.
Re: For those wanting to play...

I might have to try the jig and fletch up some Blazers . I also have some of the original Predator vanes I got from the ATA show back in 2007 . I think they have improved the base of the vanes since then.
The feathers shoot good until they get worn from shooting through the target and WB.
Re: For those wanting to play...

Scott - I have a bunch of Blazers if you want some.

Crow - if you really put the Fusion vanes to the test before 3D season let us know. They're getting good reviews. I might try some.

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