Heads up...Blazer Vane guys

Re: For those wanting to play...

JayMc said:
Scott - I have a bunch of Blazers if you want some.

Crow - if you really put the Fusion vanes to the test before 3D season let us know. They're getting good reviews. I might try some.

I might . What colors?
Re: For those wanting to play...

I fletch mine with the straight clamp (in a Bitz) and like others, as much offset as it can handle for the shaft. I'm shooting under 3 inches at 40 yards, sometimes less if I do everything correct, with broadheads.
Re: For those wanting to play...

I'm experimenting fletching up Predator vanes in my Bitzenburger with my RH helical clamp and as much offset I can get with my helical clamp . So far the results look good.
Re: For those wanting to play...

Predators will be my next vane to play with. Probably be a little while before I can get some of them but I am interested in these 2" vanes.

The more I shoot the Fusions, the more I like them. I actually cut another Blazer and refletched that arrow with the Fusions. I think I'll gradually turn over to them. Like I said, the flight of them are very similar but I like how the Fusions bond to the shaft. Seem like they are going to hold up pretty good.
Re: For those wanting to play...

I got quite a bit of helical for 2" Predators out of the Bitzenburger while still maintaining good contact with the shaft . The adhesion seems to be good on bare carbon. Arrow flight is good with slick trick and striker broadheads @ 315 fps out of the HCA Speed Pro I'm testing .
Re: For those wanting to play...

For those that still may be confused, I found this picture that shows what we are talking about when we are referring to "offset" vs "helical".

Of course there is also the "offset helical" but all that it, is a combination of both of these diagrams.


You guys that are fletching your Blazers with a STRAIGHT clamp with as much offset as you can....if all you have available is a straight clamp that's gonna be your best bet to go with. They will group that way out of a tuned bow.

You guys that have the right helical clamps for your jigs...that's where I ran into trouble with Blazers from the start. Me personally, I have two Bitz jigs with right helical claps, and fletching them out of it produced very erratic arrow flight for me with Blazers. I actually gave mine away and was very reluctant to try them again but all the good reviews made me give them a second chance. It's all in how you fletch them boys.
Re: For those wanting to play...

No confusion here , Crow . I have been fletching arrows for 25 years and know the difference between offset and helical . I think most of the guys on here know the difference as well.
You can get some helical on a 2" vane in a helical clamp , but it will not be a great degree because of the short length of the vane does not take up enough span in a standard helical . You are not going to get the same amount of helical clamp with a 2" vane that was originally designed for 5" fletching.
Re: For those wanting to play...

Radar -- I wasn't implying that you didn't know the difference but from what I have observed, there are a lot of folks here that do NOT know the difference. Heck I've been in some archery shops where THEY didn't know the difference LOL.

As I've said from the get go. I ain't trying to push any products on anybody. I'm just trying to be helpful to folks to get the most and best out of their setups. And in this case, I found a product (one of few) that actually does what it claims to do and is very helpful for fletching these new 2" dudes.