How fast does your bow shoot?

muddyboots said:
PSE XForcce SS 29 inch draw - 65 lbs - 100 grain tip - carbon express arrow 26 1/2 inches long - 301 fps

I'd be interested to see the shaft weight and spine for this set up. That's a very short arrow.
chrono mine the other day. draw is around 65...dl is 28, shooting 390.5 grain 400 spine Beman MFX bone collector out of a hoyt rampage xt. 275fps.
actually got to crono mine today.

29" draw Hoyt CRX pulling 66lbs

HT-2 harvester 350 spine at 370 grains = 290fps.
switchbacker said:
so if i go from a thinner heavier arrow is that gonna drop my speed but brig up my ke?

A fast, light arrow and a slower heavy arrow in many cases have similar KE numbers. The true number is momentum. The heavier arrow will carry more momentum than the light arrow. From what I had gathered, momentum is "drives" the arrow through a target. Also some light, fast arrows have thinner walls and might not be as tough as some heavier arrows.

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