How Many Have You Killed?

About ten years ago, while sitting in the woods hunting I started going through my memory bank trying to generate a mental image of each deer I had killed and where I had killed it. I was able to recall each and every one. So I decided to type into my phone's notepad the list of what and where and any other pertinent information that helped me remember. Since then at the end of every year I add to the list whatever I kill if any. Below is the list:

Deer kills: 1 bow spike Dad's, 2 doe first with rifle, 3 spike rifle Dad's, 3&4 double does Dad's, 5 doe Gertie's wood line first with my 243, 6&7 double does, 8 five point Dad's old woods, 9 twelve point Dad's big field nervous shot thought I missed, 10 small doe Dad's big field near pond, 11 doe Dads pond, 12 big doe Dad's pond neck shot, 13 doe corner funnel, 14 big doe corner funnel, 15 doe I fell asleep at the base of the tree woke up and shot Dad's old woods, 16 doe thicket stalk Dad's, 17 mountain spike, 18 big mountain doe, 19 big doe corner funnel, 20 button Muzzleloader, 21 big doe corner funnel, 22 6 point 150yard shot near old barn Nita's, 23 doe 4 wheeler trail Nita's neck shot, 24 doe way up 4 wheeler trail from stand, 25 8 point found three days later, 26 big doe corner funnel and then hay bale wreck, 27 big doe Christmas Day stalk on way to corner funnel, 28 3 point broken rack corner funnel, 29 Huge doe Nita's barn, 30 8 point corner funnel Dads, 31 huge doe corner funnel Dads, 32 button buck Dads stalk to corner funnel, 33 spike/3 point Dads corner funnel heart shot, 34 one point middle woods stalk from corner funnel neck shot. 35 one point walking to corner funnel.

I would like to say after every kill I thanked God for the blessing and food that it would provide. But there were times I got caught up in the excitement and forgot. I try to remember to say a prayer of gratitude and thanksgiving for the creature God has made and the food it will provide.
No clue. I used to keep up with it. Then got kids. Slowed down and quit writing them down. Killed my first at 14 I'm 54 now so started in 72. More than 100 but less than 150. Changed my tactics now. No does unless it's a bow and trophy hunt with firearms. Just the way I do it.
If I had to guess, I've killed somewhere around 18-20 but I would say I've hunted very few. I killed my first, a button buck, with a muzzleloader when I was 10. I didn't kill another deer until I was 17 and I killed maybe a dozen that year out if the fields of my family's farm in WV on crop damage permits.

The ones I am most proud of were the three I've killed since moving to TN in public land. I learned enough from this site to stomp around in the woods and kill three small bucks.

Also killed a few being chased by hounds in FL which was a unique experience but one I don't care to do again.
No one today understands how hard it was in East TN in the early 70s when I started. Now I see 7 or 8 on my driveway travel most every day. I guess my 50 year total is around 100. Still don't have one mounted.

I certainly know what hunting was like in E. Tn. in the 70s. Got my first one in 1974. Second one in 1979. Long dry spell until 1985. Mixed bag of does and bucks with archery, MZL, and rifle since then. My total is 45. Low, I know. All taken in Scott County except for one in Overton. I can say that I have only 4 unrecovered deer that were wounded.
A while back I was thinking about the total number of deer I have killed since my first season in 1983. It has taken me a while to compile the list and I believe I finally remembered them all. I could vividly remember the very first one!

How many of you know your total?
I used to track every single one. But lost count. Somewhere north of 170
When I started deer hunting I only hunted with a bow and it remained that way for the next 15 years or so before we moved to TN. Averaged 3-4 a year back then. Since moving to TN I have way less time, but way way better and more land to hunt, and now I almost hunt only with a rifle. Average is probably 2 per year in TN, so the total is probably in the neighborhood of 70.
My first was early 70's deer was in Dekalb, I was in Putnam. Then my cousin gave me a compound bow and it was on! No idea what I was doing and no one to show me. Rode a motorcycle with my bow on my back to Jackson county and a few wma hunts where I figured out how to kill a dumb one or two. Mostly bow hunted till my first hip replacement in 09. Mostly gun since. Started my second career as a property manager in 2013 in western ky and NW TN and the counts have exploded. Totals likely shy of 150
Lost count over the years. I do know I haven't pulled the trigger near as much in the last 5 years or so as I did in my younger days. Let a few different ones walk last season.
North of 200, but hunted all the 70's in Alabama with dogs when the limit was a buck a day for 3 months. 11bucks was most I killed in one year and most were spikes to 6 points. Now I usually kill a buck every 2-3 years.
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