How Many Have You Killed?

I killed my first one in 1976 with a 20 gauge Browning A5 at Wendell's Lodge in Aliceville, AL. Killed several over the next 10 years. I started bowhunting in the mid 80's and killed 100 with an Oneida Eagle bow. At 100 I quit bow hunting. Like Forrest Gump, I was through. The quest to kill an even 100 was over and I had reached my goal. I kill two a year now and they have to be good bucks. When they are in the freezer, I quit for the year. This past season I let three really nice bucks walk without ever firing a shot. I feel like I have come full circle now and dont have to kill a deer to make me happy. I may or may not kill one this year. It just depends on how I feel. I feel I have killed at least 200 over the years and currently have 14 mounted that are over 8 pts each. Unless it is the state record, I will not ever mount another deer.
If shooting them out of beanfields in the summer counts, probably somewhere between 400-500 if not more. NC in late 90's and early 2000's they were like rats.
First deer I killed was in Fort Benning Georgia. Was invited down by a master Sargent. Killed two does and shot a six point that went into the swamp we didn't go after . Killed three bucks in ' 84 one being my biggest 11 point net scored 127 3/8. Killed a couple nice eight points which I mounted in '87 but skipped hunting in '86 cause my grandmother passed and just wasn't into it . Got on a lease in Giles Co. and killed three that year and the next year killed five . Four bucks four does , seen the biggest I'd ever seen in the woods but couldn't get a shot . Hunted Giles several years on two different leases and that's when the killing started. Also hunted Lewis Co. Killed a really good eight point but not any more really good bucks but did kill quite a few in Lewis . Had a real good lease in Lincoln Co. as well and killed about three really good bucks I mounted . I'd say last I tried to keep count it was around 200 give or take a few . Killed in double figures several years but got tired of people telling you they wanted a deer then wouldn't take it unless you processed it . So I cut the numbers to about 4 - 5 a year . Lost my leases in middle Tennessee several years ago but it was bittersweet cause I was getting tired of the drive of around 200 miles . Started just hunting my property and my neighbors last several years being selective but did tag out on bucks last year but nothing to brag about ....getting old so that last buck is coming soon . Somewhat like DA I've killed deer in 19 or 20 counties in Tennessee . Still like to hunt but getting older with a bad back is making it harder being 70 . Lord has blessed me hunting and I thank the good Lord each time I kill one !
Here's how I look at it . First hunt 1975. Last hunt 2011. In those 37 years, I deer hunted what most hunters would do in 1 or 2 seasons. Lack of time, money, not familiar with area, injuries, health issues. Different things plus not real good at it. Didn't really put in the effort because didn't get to go enough. 1991 met someone who showed me a few things that helped me kill a fat doe in 1994 for #1. Went when I could after that if someone could go with me. My injury that retired me as a LEO was in 9/95. Couldn't lift or drag anything. With all that said, my total is 10 , biggest being a 7 pt. in 2007. After missing last 12 years , this year will be great if we get moved back to SC.

Those 10 were 5 does , 3 buttons , 1 spike , 1 - 7 pt. 9 with a Savage .270 and 1 with a Knight MZ. 5 in one county in GA on a hunting club. 1 on public land in SC . 1 on public land in TN and 3 on private land in TN . 4 counties in 3 States. Remember each one well, hoping to add a few more to my memories. Will only shoot does and any buck above the 7 pt. At 65 , watching them will also bring me much pleasure.

Have things arranged so I won't need to have someone with me all the time. I will say this, if it is legal, most best stay away lol.
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North of 300 probably closer to 350 all public land. A lot of 3 a day does. I killed double digits from 2001 -2018 I reckon. I killed enough to feed all of work one year. I kept getting asked to kill one for people and killed north of 50 that year. Said I'd never Do that again but ended up killing north of 30 the next year. lol. With our large family I needed 11 to not buy beef for the year.
My first was a spike in 2001. I've kept a fairly accurate journal with dates, locations and weapons. I'm at 55 at the moment. I'll pass smaller bucks, but I'm a meat hunter for the most part.
A while back I was thinking about the total number of deer I have killed since my first season in 1983. It has taken me a while to compile the list and I believe I finally remembered them all. I could vividly remember the very first one!

How many of you know your total?
I think it about 75 last yr most on public lands I tried to keep up with my record in photo albums
I have a log book I started keeping in 1991. It was easy to catch up the logbook since the first one I killed was in 1984 and the second, third and fourth came in 1991. The last entry was 4 years ago, and it was #59. 38 were bucks 21 were does. All but 3 of the 59 were killed on my property.
I have a log book I started keeping in 1991. It was easy to catch up the logbook since the first one I killed was in 1984 and the second, third and fourth came in 1991. The last entry was 4 years ago, and it was #59. 38 were bucks 21 were does. All but 3 of the 59 were killed on my property.
That's impressive. I bet taking all those deer off your own property makes you feel good.
I counted 28 on my TWRA app harvest history, and would guess another 2 dozen or so prior to the app coming into use. Might be 10 bucks in that mix. I mostly go after 1 1/2 yo does and normally take 2 or 3 per season since I started.
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Someone here mentioned keeping a hunting journal several years back, and it motivated me to try to go back and retroactively start one. I thought it'd be hard to remember at first, but once I started, it wasn't too bad. I keep up with numbers killed with each rifle or bow, and that helps, but I know I've left out a few. I can remember most successful hunts like it was yesterday.

I'm 55, started getting serious enough about deer for it to drastically affect my life at age 15. By my best guess it's at least 180, but likely over 200. The late 80's through the mid 90's were all about numbers with bowhunting. It got crazy.
I have killed around 6 bucks and 5 does in 15 years of East TN hunting. Only the last 3 seasons have I got more serious and even started venturing out of East TN to WMAs in Middle TN. I recently drove thru KY, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin and would love to hunt Indiana and Wisconsin soon. I killed my biggest buck last year in East TN on private land and have been successful 3 out of the last 4 years.

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