I killed my first one in 1976 with a 20 gauge Browning A5 at Wendell's Lodge in Aliceville, AL. Killed several over the next 10 years. I started bowhunting in the mid 80's and killed 100 with an Oneida Eagle bow. At 100 I quit bow hunting. Like Forrest Gump, I was through. The quest to kill an even 100 was over and I had reached my goal. I kill two a year now and they have to be good bucks. When they are in the freezer, I quit for the year. This past season I let three really nice bucks walk without ever firing a shot. I feel like I have come full circle now and dont have to kill a deer to make me happy. I may or may not kill one this year. It just depends on how I feel. I feel I have killed at least 200 over the years and currently have 14 mounted that are over 8 pts each. Unless it is the state record, I will not ever mount another deer.