How rare is this?

Winchester said:
shouldn't waste my time but what the heck, first I wasn't personally attacking or mudslinging, hence the , to signify such. Of course, I might be sensitive like you if I had knowingly hid 3 hens which were illegally harvested during the spring, lost a crippled longbeard, and then lie to everyone on this forum about the events. But that's neither here nor there, and not pertinent to this discussion.
What the heyal is this all about, I obviously missed something along the way here?

Mega, unfortunately during the 2009 turkey season killed/helped kill 3 hens, not bearded I might add while "attempting" to kill a long beard. Well the longbeard was crippled supposedly and got away, all the while he shows up with a garbage sack full of illegally harvested hens.

2 days later he makes a thread here describing the hunt failing to mention the harvest of the illegal hens, and claiming the longbeard was killed. In reality the longbeard was shot, but never recovered, and a major game law violation occurred.

I won't tolerate poaching, and dang sure won't tolerate hypocrisy on all levels which is underscored by lies.

Here is the thread as evidence of the tale which was told to us. If you read carefully, in the wording he talks about letting longbeards walk because there aren't enough of them, then the very next paragraph talks about blasting a jake. More hypocrisy, and in reality it is a lie. ... ost1288649
Setterman said:
Winchester said:
shouldn't waste my time but what the heck, first I wasn't personally attacking or mudslinging, hence the , to signify such. Of course, I might be sensitive like you if I had knowingly hid 3 hens which were illegally harvested during the spring, lost a crippled longbeard, and then lie to everyone on this forum about the events. But that's neither here nor there, and not pertinent to this discussion.
What the heyal is this all about, I obviously missed something along the way here?

Mega, unfortunately during the 2009 turkey season killed/helped kill 3 hens, not bearded I might add while "attempting" to kill a long beard. Well the longbeard was crippled supposedly and got away, all the while he shows up with a garbage sack full of illegally harvested hens.

2 days later he makes a thread here describing the hunt failing to mention the harvest of the illegal hens, and claiming the longbeard was killed. In reality the longbeard was shot, but never recovered, and a major game law violation occurred.

I won't tolerate poaching, and dang sure won't tolerate hypocrisy on all levels which is underscored by lies.

Here is the thread as evidence of the tale which was told to us. If you read carefully, in the wording he talks about letting longbeards walk because there aren't enough of them, then the very next paragraph talks about blasting a jake. More hypocrisy, and in reality it is a lie. ... ost1288649

My reading comprehension must suck because I never saw where he said anything about killing 3 hens or killing a jake in that post that you say is "evidence". I read "very carefully" just as you said, looking for a dead jake in the post and all I read was where he almost killed a jake because of its gobble, but he didn't shoot it. YOU might want to read it again and pay close attention to where he says that he saw it later on with hens. Are you jealous of Mega or something? This is crap if you are calling it proof. Why are you so jealous of him? Pics or proof or STHU about it.
YEKRUT, we must be in the same boat because I didn't read ANYWHERE in that thread where he killed a Jake. Maybe we read on the same level. I am sure Setterman will twist this around in some way to make his point and make himself out to be the hero and the know all about turkeys.

I can understand the argument on if its a rare bird or not and how it got its color. Both points a valid and both know a lot about turkeys. But to dig up a thread from 09 to call someone out on something that had NOTHING to do with the argument is low down, even for you Setterman. You have no evidence whatsoever to back up what you are accusing Mega of. If you are basing it on the link you gave us you better come up with something better.
YEKRUT said:
Setterman said:
Winchester said:
shouldn't waste my time but what the heck, first I wasn't personally attacking or mudslinging, hence the , to signify such. Of course, I might be sensitive like you if I had knowingly hid 3 hens which were illegally harvested during the spring, lost a crippled longbeard, and then lie to everyone on this forum about the events. But that's neither here nor there, and not pertinent to this discussion.
What the heyal is this all about, I obviously missed something along the way here?

Mega, unfortunately during the 2009 turkey season killed/helped kill 3 hens, not bearded I might add while "attempting" to kill a long beard. Well the longbeard was crippled supposedly and got away, all the while he shows up with a garbage sack full of illegally harvested hens.

2 days later he makes a thread here describing the hunt failing to mention the harvest of the illegal hens, and claiming the longbeard was killed. In reality the longbeard was shot, but never recovered, and a major game law violation occurred.

I won't tolerate poaching, and dang sure won't tolerate hypocrisy on all levels which is underscored by lies.

Here is the thread as evidence of the tale which was told to us. If you read carefully, in the wording he talks about letting longbeards walk because there aren't enough of them, then the very next paragraph talks about blasting a jake. More hypocrisy, and in reality it is a lie. ... ost1288649

My reading comprehension must suck because I never saw where he said anything about killing 3 hens or killing a jake in that post that you say is "evidence". I read "very carefully" just as you said, looking for a dead jake in the post and all I read was where he almost killed a jake because of its gobble, but he didn't shoot it. YOU might want to read it again and pay close attention to where he says that he saw it later on with hens. Are you jealous of Mega or something? This is crap if you are calling it proof. Why are you so jealous of him? Pics or proof or STHU about it.

I was wrong about the jake, I did misread that.

However, I know for a 100% absolute fact that he was involved with a garbage bag full of hens getting whacked. He even admitted such to me in a PM last year.

Jealous? That is hilarious, he is a little man with a Napoleon complex, who loves to sit on his high horse and hides behind a veil of hypocrisy.

I reported the violation to SCN and other TWRA LEO's last year, but it was days after that I learned of what happened, and he had returned to Miss, hens long since disposed of I am sure. I would say by them being in a garbage sack they went to the dump for disposal.

You don't have to believe me, but know he knows the truth, and so does others who were there with him that weekend. One of which is one of my very close friends. Bringing poachers to the publics eye might be viewed as low to you all, but where I come from poachers are not tolerated and certainly not supported.

I did misread on the jake as well as mispoke, but stand by the hen killing and gobbler wounding which did occur.
Setterman said:
YEKRUT said:
Setterman said:
Winchester said:
shouldn't waste my time but what the heck, first I wasn't personally attacking or mudslinging, hence the , to signify such. Of course, I might be sensitive like you if I had knowingly hid 3 hens which were illegally harvested during the spring, lost a crippled longbeard, and then lie to everyone on this forum about the events. But that's neither here nor there, and not pertinent to this discussion.
What the heyal is this all about, I obviously missed something along the way here?

Mega, unfortunately during the 2009 turkey season killed/helped kill 3 hens, not bearded I might add while "attempting" to kill a long beard. Well the longbeard was crippled supposedly and got away, all the while he shows up with a garbage sack full of illegally harvested hens.

2 days later he makes a thread here describing the hunt failing to mention the harvest of the illegal hens, and claiming the longbeard was killed. In reality the longbeard was shot, but never recovered, and a major game law violation occurred.

I won't tolerate poaching, and dang sure won't tolerate hypocrisy on all levels which is underscored by lies.

Here is the thread as evidence of the tale which was told to us. If you read carefully, in the wording he talks about letting longbeards walk because there aren't enough of them, then the very next paragraph talks about blasting a jake. More hypocrisy, and in reality it is a lie. ... ost1288649

My reading comprehension must suck because I never saw where he said anything about killing 3 hens or killing a jake in that post that you say is "evidence". I read "very carefully" just as you said, looking for a dead jake in the post and all I read was where he almost killed a jake because of its gobble, but he didn't shoot it. YOU might want to read it again and pay close attention to where he says that he saw it later on with hens. Are you jealous of Mega or something? This is crap if you are calling it proof. Why are you so jealous of him? Pics or proof or STHU about it.

I was wrong about the jake, I did misread that.

However, I know for a 100% absolute fact that he was involved with a garbage bag full of hens getting whacked. He even admitted such to me in a PM last year.

Jealous? That is hilarious, he is a little man with a Napoleon complex, who loves to sit on his high horse and hides behind a veil of hypocrisy.

I reported the violation to SCN and other TWRA LEO's last year, but it was days after that I learned of what happened, and he had returned to Miss, hens long since disposed of I am sure. I would say by them being in a garbage sack they went to the dump for disposal.

You don't have to believe me, but know he knows the truth, and so does others who were there with him that weekend. One of which is one of my very close friends. Bringing poachers to the publics eye might be viewed as low to you all, but where I come from poachers are not tolerated and certainly not supported.

I did misread on the jake as well as mispoke, but stand by the hen killing and gobbler wounding which did occur.

Well if he did it last year you should have brought it up then not a year later when you are in a pissing contest with are just trying to bash and name call now.It had nothing to do with this thread and was just meant to start trouble.You started the name calling then kept it going but as usual you turn it around on someone seem to really get upset at anyone that doesn't just accept what you say.
Oh I said something last year, many many times. You just never noticed.

I will not ever tolerate poaching and lying. That is just not how I was raised. I had let it go, but then he started showing his true colors again, and felt it was time to remind him just how far he had strayed from the law and the truth last year.

It comes down to credibility in the end. How can anyone have a logical discussion with a person who has poached/condoned poaching and openly lied to you in the face? I know I can't.
Showed his true colors??????you mean he dared to disagree with you.You were the one who started all the name calling not him.You guys were having a good debate till you started making childish remarks at him.
RAFI said:
Showed his true colors??????you mean he dared to disagree with you.You were the one who started all the name calling not him.You guys were having a good debate till you started making childish remarks at him.

You just have to understand the history and how deeply it disturbs me to know that I am conversing with an individual who knowingly broke a game law, is incredibly hypocritical, and lies. I cannot shelve the strife those facts cause me internally. I could over look the hypocrisy and the lying to be honest. But to constantly gripe about how bad our turkey population is, then take part in the shooting of 3 illegal hens during the spring, just pushes me over the edge.

The fact that the law was broken, and severely at that, yet nothing was done to penalize it, will bother me until the end of time.

Just the way I am I guess. Sure it is taking it to a personal level, but violating game laws is something I just cannot tolerate nor forget about.
Setterman- we need to have lunch.

Love to talk and have a beer.

You have tough skin?

Would be a great conversation, we could sell tix.

Rock on!
Holy cow, I go on vacation for a week and a half and it's like coming home from work to find your 2 yr old drawing on the walls with crayons.

Let's rehash this thread for you Setterman and others who may not want to wade through the entire thing.

First, you and I have a difference in opinion on the possible origins of colored phased wild turkeys. Which is fine in itself, and had you asked me to prove my theory that there is domestic influence in some colored phased birds, I would have been forced to conceed that there is no proof. But, of course, in rebuttal, I would have asked you to prove that there is no domestic influence in colored wild turkeys- which you likewise would have been unable to prove. Essentially resulting in a draw and we could have had an intelligent discussion on the possibilities.

But instead, you stated as fact that your theory was correct (tip #1- never state something is a fact unless it has been proven), and mine was incorrect (not in such a nice way). Since I knew that you would not be able to either prove your theory nor disprove mine, I decided to have a little fun and see where it would go. After your insulting post ( tip #2- don't be so insulting- it only discredits your position and character) which ended up insinuating that domestic and wild turkeys as well as mallard and domestic ducks are incapable of reproduction with one another, I had another opening to lend further credence to my theory while taking away plausability from yours.

After such, you then accused me of flip-flopping on my original theory. I know this technique has worked for you in the past, but for it to have worked in this case, I must have actually changed my theory. Since I did not, it proved one of two things- either that you misinterpreted my position (in which case you were wrong), or you lied in an attempt to discredit me.

And then the only bright spot of this thread... finally you admit that you are 'sure there is some tiny infinitesimal shred of possibility that your theory could hold water', but that admission is marred by your accusations that I am a liar/hen killer &poacher/turkey crippler, despite it being 'neither here nor there, and not pertinent to this discussion'. (tip #3- don't resort to personal attacks in a discussion such as this... it again discredits yourself and your arguments)

I almost hate to even justify this with a response, but do feel I need to unequivocally state that I have never killed a hen either legally in the fall or illegally in the spring. Maybe a little lucky perhaps, but certainly fewer hens than either you have 'caught in the crossfire' and fewer than the friends you hunt with. Furthermore, I will admit that I have crippled and lost one longbeard approx 10 years ago in my 20 years of turkey hunting. I have also failed to recover 3 longbeards in the same 20 years that I shot at as followups after those I've guided for free crippled the bird with their initial shot.

But let's up the ante... I give you full permission to publicly post any private messages we might have had regarding your accusations, with the caveat that the PM thread must be posted in its entirety and without any editing.

I'm sure you're a good person in real life, and feel bad you've taken this discussion personally, but honestly, I haven't had this much fun on the internet since playing Rainbow 6 online. I admit that I have been a little sadistic in each of my responses to you by giving you just enough rope to hang yourself. At this point, you can continue to do so and further tarnish your character, or you can restore your integrity and sincerely apologize for your insults and allegations.

Either way, I won't hold it against you personally.
[Golf clap for Mega]

Well put sir. This is the most entertaining thread I have read in quite some time!

I have to say that Mega's response was brilliantly constructed. His restraint from additional mudslinging after Setterman's attack should also be applauded.
did you sneek around your barn and get that one amongst the other tame turkeys lol . lol jk indeed rare !! great kill bud, you getting a full body mount?
Boys this is sad. A guy is proud of his bird which is a rare bird and a true trophy by the way, and it turns into this crap. This isn't what makes me get on here every night, its what makes me not get on here at all. Anyways, beautiful bird and congratulations.
The fact that it was half white and bearded makes it rare, but the fact that it had a beard isn't to rare at all, almost 10% of all hens have some sort of beard, the fact that it was white, probably has to do with a semi-tamed turkey interbreeding with a wild turkey, I have seen quite a few white colored hens over the years, and have just been waiting on the day I see a snow white gobbler coming to my calls
How did I miss all of this? More name calling than on the political forum. lol
IMO the various color phases in wild turkeys occur naturally among pure wild populations, and there have never been any infusion of butterball genes. Just like some of us are redheads, blonds and brunettes. I think that a reasonable analogy is saying that a blond color phase of a new mexico black bear, which is not that uncommon, is a result of some ancestrial inbreeding with polar bears or grizzlies. IMO, it ain't never happened. I'm sure that a wild gobbler would mate with a barnyard hen, white or otherwise, if given the opportunity, and I would assume that it has commonly happened But, I would doubt if the half wild and half tame next generation, would last long enough in the wild to produce any further generations, assuming that they ever made it to the wild. Wouldn't a barnyard hen that had been bred by a wild gobbler, lay and raise her clutch as barnyard, domestic turkeys, that were incapable of living and reproducing in the wild?
At any rate, the turkey that you killed bud, is quite a trophy. Congratulations.

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