Keep an eye out for EHD

As I understand it, correct me if wrong, but the prions are pooped out by all scavengers which eat the CWD-infected deer. That would suggest one of the main "spreaders" of CWD becomes Wiley Coyote. But local buzzards may have a larger localized scavenging area than local coyotes, and buzzards are not hampered by the TN River.
Very possible scavengers are spreading the disease, as well as "natural" transmission between deer. It is interesting to see the very high percentage of male deer testing positive, as they do far more body fluid interactions than females.
I have my suspicions about the outbreak myself, but when I voiced my opinion early on it was highly contested. As to records, I see your point, and it also makes it difficult when everyone just looks the other way.
Kind of like covid. We all know it came from the lab doing "gain of function" work but Fauci still tries to claim it jumped from animals. It did come from bats with human scientists helping....
Kind of like covid. We all know it came from the lab doing "gain of function" work but Fauci still tries to claim it jumped from animals. It did come from bats with human scientists helping....
Exactly. We all know where Covid came from and who helped fund it. And I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, as I am nothing of the sort, but it also seems strange that a new form of monkeypox suddenly shows up just after the Wuhan Lab starts publishing their studies on synthetic monkeypox DNA they synthesized to prove how this could be done in the case of certain diseases - such as smallpox - being used as a bioweapon. And guess who funded their monkeypox research? You guessed it, to the tune of $10 million.

I walked our creeks in Hickman County (Primm Springs) today. I may have caught just a slight whiff of something dead, but it was just for a split second and I couldn't locate it. I did pull a couple cards and have this buck on 2 different cameras on the same day with a swollen tongue and heavily salivating. I have no further videos or pics of him or the bucks he's been running with. Which is odd, because they cut through this point on their way to the beans almost daily.
For some weird reason jaw impactions ("lumpy jaw") goes hand-in-hand with arterial worm infestation (and I misspoke when I said it was heart worm - arterial worm and heart worm are different parasites).
I still haven't smelled or seen any dead deer in Hickman yet. Saw a nice bachelor group the other day on the the way to work crossing the road in front of me so close I had to slam my brakes. Eight bucks and 7 with pretty nice racks, one a small basket six. Still seeing a lot of does and yearlings, more than I've seen in some time.
Not sure if was a deer or not, but I was over at a friends place Saturday and smelled dead animal. He said yeah, we've been smelling it for a few days.

I walked our creeks in Hickman County (Primm Springs) today. I may have caught just a slight whiff of something dead, but it was just for a split second and I couldn't locate it. I did pull a couple cards and have this buck on 2 different cameras on the same day with a swollen tongue and heavily salivating. I have no further videos or pics of him or the bucks he's been running with. Which is odd, because they cut through this point on their way to the beans almost daily.

Found him today. He never did show back up on any cameras and I never glassed him again in the beans, so I had a pretty good idea that he was dead. He was down in the creek bottom just a little further up the creek than I looked the last time, about 15 feet off the trail.



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