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Late season changes......

x~2.....when i pull the trigger i pull it knowing i made that decision ....................before i pull the trigger. I have passed on many a marginal deer for that very reason. I knew that i would regret shooting more than deriving pleasure from killing a deer i personally felt needed another year of growth......just me. :)
Back in my KILLIN' days, I can remember adopting the mindset that if i don't kill it , then guy next door will.

it was like I was in competition with every other hunter in my area. I remember being worried when the guy on the next farm fired a shot..."Oh my, what did he shoot, I hope it was a doe, man I wish I knew!!" I was putting unnecessary pressure on myself, for no reason. Pressure that was not allowing me to get the full benefit out of the hunt.,,,imo.

One day, I remember watching a small buck and a doe come by and for whatever reason (still not sure), I let them walk. I did that once, then twice, then later that season I talked to the guy hunting next to us and he talked about all the deer they were seeing as opposed to previous seasons and he told me that they had stopped shooting everything they saw. We even talked about deer we had both seen, groups and individuals we could identify as the same ones. It began to become fun and not so much a competition. The next few years, until I went to another club, that place got better and better. Seeing deer was automatic, every hunt.

A few years later, on another farm, I shot a deer and as soon as it hit the ground, I realized that I killed it for the sake of killing something. The hunt was no longer about the hunt or the meat but about the killing. I no longer was there for me, but more to fulfill some inter-ego issues and to get bragging rights amongst my peers.

I changed that day. Since then, I have killed far less deer than I did in the years before that, but have enjoyed hunting alot more.

Kill what you want, I do. Oh, I save alot of money on ammo as well...lol.
stik said:
my ONLY goal is to have meat in the freezer at the end of the season. i am more likely to pass a deer later in the season than early but until i get the freezer stocked, nothing that gives me a shot gets a pass.

guess if i had read passed the first page i could have just quoted Stik instead of the long post. :D
Yes...I'll shoot a below average racked 3.5 late in the season. I won't shoot them early in season (through second week of gun in KY).

This is unless I have located a particular buck and know ( camera or seeing him) that he is around.
I have used ONE arrow on as many as 15 deer. Only had to re-fletch it ONCE. ANd the broadheads are Magnus. So once they get dull, Magnus replaces them FREE. Pretty economical BH.

And there you have it, I bowhunt because it is CHEAP!

I LOVE to kill deer. I love to go to brand new areas that I have never stepped foot in and scout, assemble a plan of hunting the area, wait for the perfect wind, and pick the right tree within 30 yards of a deer that I have never seen before the moment I draw my bow.

Then I love to watch it fall after making a PERFECT double lung shot on the deer.

I AM, a deer SERIAL killer.

102 said:
I have used ONE arrow on as many as 15 deer. Only had to re-fletch it ONCE. ANd the broadheads are Magnus. So once they get dull, Magnus replaces them FREE. Pretty economical BH.

And there you have it, I bowhunt because it is CHEAP!

I LOVE to kill deer. I love to go to brand new areas that I have never stepped foot in and scout, assemble a plan of hunting the area, wait for the perfect wind, and pick the right tree within 30 yards of a deer that I have never seen before the moment I draw my bow.

Then I love to watch it fall after making a PERFECT double lung shot on the deer.

I AM, a deer SERIAL killer.


I LIKE IT! Spoken like a true BOWHUNTER! :)
I haven't looked at the Serious Deer forum since the season ended. I am glad to see that the main serious deer hunting topics are still being discussed.

I'll just run down the page and look for the rage broadhead argument and then I'll mosey on off to bed.
Some day's I will pass on a deer, some day's I won't. Heck I have seen days where I pass on a deer and it comes back by 30 minutes later and I shoot it. No matter what time in the season it is. All depend's on my mood I reckon. And I been doin this long enough I don't need any pats on the back but I would kindly accept your help on the drag out.
Poor redneck said:
Some day's I will pass on a deer, some day's I won't. Heck I have seen days where I pass on a deer and it comes back by 30 minutes later and I shoot it. No matter what time in the season it is. All depend's on my mood I reckon. And I been doin this long enough I don't need any pats on the back but I would kindly accept your help on the drag out.

AMEN BROTHER...me too.
Andy S. said:
Bottom Hunter said:
Are you the kind of hunter that changes his "priorities" on what to shoot as the season progresses?

Will you let a deer walk on the first day, yet kill it on the last day.??
No and No. This is just how I choose to hunt, not how I expect others to hunt. To each his own.

If I have deer meat in the freezer late in the season, I might be a little more selective in what I shoot. If my freezer is empty, then I will most likely shoot whatever comes in range.
moondawg said:
If I have deer meat in the freezer late in the season, I might be a little more selective in what I shoot. If my freezer is empty, then I will most likely shoot whatever comes in range.

I was faced with this exact dilemma in, oh around 2007 or 08 I think. I was sitting in a tree on opening day of rifle season and it was about 18 deg on the mtn, when I heard the all familiar crunch of leaves coming from my right and behind me. I watched as a 2-1/2 yr old 7pt was coming my way. I watched him for a good while, fully intending on watching him walk on thru, when I remembered my freezer fiasco and losing all that we had in it during the summer. I thought to myself, "what the heck am I doing? I've got a deer under me and no meat in the freezer?" I shot him and started putting my freezer back up to par. Oh, and I had not seen any does to get a shot at during bow season either, or bucks for that matter. (No doe opportunites during rifle either Unit A)

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