Lots of new Guys on here new to hunting.

You Guys Honestly seem Scared of technology. With new age tech you can do scouting from your couch.... Some of you all seem pretty Ignorant if you ask me.
Words of Wisdom from a 23 post Genius. Just because someone may choose to not use Technology doesn't mean they are ignorant. Feet on the ground and time in the woods ie experience will never be replaced by Technology.
ignorant /ĭg′nər-ənt/


  1. Lacking education or knowledge.
  2. Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge.
    "an ignorant mistake."
  3. Unaware or uninformed.
    "was ignorant of the drug's harmful effects."
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You know I don't think I need any advice from these idiots. Ha this is Pathetic honestly a bunch of grown men runing there mouths about something they probably dream about doing. I'll stick to YouTube for advice atleast you see them killing deer. #SeekOne
You know I don't think I need any advice from these idiots. Ha this is Pathetic honestly a bunch of grown men runing there mouths about something they probably dream about doing. I'll stick to YouTube for advice atleast you see them killing deer. #SeekOne
Yeah go play hide and seek with Wan in the neighbor hoods.... If you think its that easy your mistaken.
I am glad to know I am a Hick :) I guess I am a real life Jethro Bodine per this dude. Just trying to help people like you @GHOST95, BUT its people like you who cause these great older guys not to share what they know.... would would they want to help someone acting like that..... Oh well, I have said enough. I appreciate your kind words Sir and hope you stub your big toe.
@CCAGLE95 I'm proud to be in your same company sir. 🏕️
You know I don't think I need any advice from these idiots. Ha this is Pathetic honestly a bunch of grown men runing there mouths about something they probably dream about doing. I'll stick to YouTube for advice atleast you see them killing deer. #SeekOne
Lol, troll confirmed. He knows nothing stirs up this board like bringing up SeekOne.
My go to list of tricks that work for me:
Pack clothes on your pack. Clothe at the stand, sweat equals cold
Use body warmers on the kidneys
A good pat of butter in coffee helps the body warm.
An old floor mat on a treestand help keep feet warm
Quality clothing will last a lifetime ….
Stay warm, stay still. Release a breath and squeeze each shot

I don't like getting or being cold.
I am by no means a troll Sir. I am just educated unlike you baboons and realize the future of deer hunting. You will see once you all arnt killing any deer because you can't change with time. Good day Sir!
Bro....... You haven't even deer hunted from my understanding by your post like really........ I am about to Die right now 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 your a Joke.
Bro....... You haven't even deer hunted from my understanding by your post like really........ I am about to Die right now 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 your a Joke.
Listen I don't have time to be fooling around playing games with trailer trash as yourself go on and deer hunt in your best to crap truck probably with beer cans falling out the back. You all are what gives hunters a bad name. I myself am an outstanding young man and wouldn't be cought dead around trash like you.
Listen I don't have time to be fooling around playing games with trailer trash as yourself go on and deer hunt in your best to crap truck probably with beer cans falling out the back. You all are what gives hunters a bad name. I myself am an outstanding young man and wouldn't be cought dead around trash like you.
I don't know who took a whiz in your Wheaties... No... my bad your probably a fruit cup kind of guy with granola. BUT! I really don't take offence to the stuff you say.,...
Wow.... this threads de railed..... Its time to hop out it was a good thing while it lasted....... Sorry guys I tried.

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