Mathews X coming mid May

Yeah okay there buddy. Your problem is you are blind to you doing the same dang thing that you complain about others doing. If it wasn't for YOU stirring the pot, this thread would have been dead. IT HAD BEEN FOR 11 DAYS. Your either naive to what you did or you are simply a troll and done it on purpose. It's not the product I have a problem with. Its you and your actions.
Many of your posts are defending what you bought, just let it go and enjoy your preferred brands. Most of you Mathews bashers spend more time complaining about " Mathews guys are arrogant" or my xxx brand is better, or "I'm not impressed with Mathews". I don't see why you feel that you must constantly defend your brands, just buy what you like and be happy without trashing a specific brand because you encountered a handful of guys who talked "down" about what you shoot. Mathews is the only bows for me but I couldn't care less about what every other guy shoots. Opinions are like buttholes, everyone is entitled to have one whether you like it or not.
Take this thread for example. The 2,3,4,5,13th and 14th ( I saw those without even going to the last 3 pages)posts ALL felt the need to come into a MATHEWS thread and post "why I'm not impressed" or justifying why they bought x brand instead of a Mathews!!!!!! You can't argue who the trolls are now! What's even better is the fact that some (not all) get their panties in a wad when you don't agree with them and their x brand being "better" than the Mathews.proof is in the pudding my friend :)
W.Seay said:
Radar said:
Why not post it here for all to witness ?

After all these years I still haven't learned to post a picture yet.

Create a Photobucket account

Select the "upload" button on Photobucket and select the pic file

Once it downloads to Photobucket, select the "img" link, copy and paste then post it on here


You can create a You Tube account, upload file to You Tube, then copy and paste the link to your video here.

I do want to see this 80+ yard kill shot.
This arguing over a keyboard crap is getting really old. There are some things that could be easily discussed in person without people ever getting bent out of shape. Words on a screen can be taken a lot of different ways without any emotion behind them; and most people take stuff the wrong way on forums.

So I tell ya what. You're on the southwest end of the state. I'm on the southeast end. At Old Hickory's archery club next month, is a big archery shoot. It's actually the ASA state championship but you don't have to compete in that. Its in the middle of the state; about the same distance for you as it is for me. Why don't you throw that bow of yours in the truck and come on out to the shoot? You have a month to get ready. A man capable of 80 yard kill shots shouldn't have any trouble deer/bear/hog targets with a max of 40 yards with known yardage.

We can even make it interesting if you want to. Winner takes the losers bow setup...if that don't do it we could throw some money in a hat. Shoot for a Coke, Powerade, or something. If that don't sound appealing...then I'm sure there will be several other forum members at this shoot. We could all get together as a group and shoot a round. Sort of like a mini Vous...if we had enough people we could bust up into groups and do a team shoot. one team vs the other. It could be you Mathews guys against the Hoyt guys or something like that. Or just draw names out of a hat and pick teams that way. Heck fire, I could even have a special plaque made up just for the event.
Crow Terminator said:
This arguing over a keyboard crap is getting really old. There are some things that could be easily discussed in person without people ever getting bent out of shape. Words on a screen can be taken a lot of different ways without any emotion behind them; and most people take stuff the wrong way on forums.

So I tell ya what. You're on the southwest end of the state. I'm on the southeast end. At Old Hickory's archery club next month, is a big archery shoot. It's actually the ASA state championship but you don't have to compete in that. Its in the middle of the state; about the same distance for you as it is for me. Why don't you throw that bow of yours in the truck and come on out to the shoot? You have a month to get ready. A man capable of 80 yard kill shots shouldn't have any trouble deer/bear/hog targets with a max of 40 yards with known yardage.

We can even make it interesting if you want to. Winner takes the losers bow setup...if that don't do it we could throw some money in a hat. Shoot for a Coke, Powerade, or something. If that don't sound appealing...then I'm sure there will be several other forum members at this shoot. We could all get together as a group and shoot a round. Sort of like a mini Vous...if we had enough people we could bust up into groups and do a team shoot. one team vs the other. It could be you Mathews guys against the Hoyt guys or something like that. Or just draw names out of a hat and pick teams that way. Heck fire, I could even have a special plaque made up just for the event.

I'm gonna try to make this one. We come back from Destin the day before.
I would love to but no way given my work load and honestly, I don't care much for shooting targets unless they are alive.
As soon as I start shooting again, which I will do at Shelby forest archery in a month. I will have a friend (the owner) video me shooting a group at 70 or 80 yards for those who send me their email addresses. I will not post it on a public site. So, people can continue calling BS or they can send me their email address thru pm and I will jack smack them with the truth via video :)
I seriously hope none of you guys have taken any of my posts offensively as if you ever met me you would know that I'm about the biggest joker you'll ever meet. But I will stand behind what I said %100 by sending the video of "the groups".
Radar said:
Bragging about 80 yard tack driving shots on the range , and 65 yard shots on game is easy on the internet . I'm sorry , but I'm calling BS .

Ding, ding, ding! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Interesting thread here. I could care less about how far anyone can shoot a target, but an 80 yard kill shot I'd like to see. I'm not calling you out or trying to stir, I'd just simply like to see it.

[email protected] when you get a chance.
I'm not on anyone's side, but you guys do know that long range bow kills ( much further than 80 at times) out west are normal.. lol.. I have killed a few deer between 55 to 60 yards..Complete pass thru on all 3.. conditions must be right for the shot though ( unaware animal, clear lanes...etc).. you guys never practice long range? It really helps your short range accuracy..
Well, my brother in law erased the video of the 80 yard shot! When it happened, he's was videoing from 400 yards away and had no idea I was even going to shoot, but was playing with his new camera and just filming deer and happened to see the deer reaction after the hit. He didn't think it was anymore "special" than any other of the "long range" shots I've made, so it was erased. As Ricky said, long range is quite common and is not that difficult under the correct conditions. I routinely shoot out to 70 and 80 yards consistently and have been doing so for about 10 years.

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