Mayfield update?


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
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Heard today that they said the drug he tested positive for was METH !!!!
I have no idea if that is true or not and haven't taken the time to look it up but there ya go.
i would think he would be too smart to get involved with that trashy of a drug,i mean come on thats like drinking rot gut when you can afford the best aged liqour made,coarse it would'nt be the first time somebody with a life made a life changing mistake :( ,mike243
From what I understand about that drug only one moment of lack of judgement or a wrong decision can ruin anyone that even tries it ONE time.

I know a police officer here that got on it and it destroyed him. He was like 6'6" and weighed something in the neighborhood of 285 pounds.
When he was arrested he weighed 140 on the dot.
He told them, "Thank God." when they put the cuffs on him.
Said he hadn't slept in 9 days.

Very very sad and I sincerely hope if he did get on Meth, he can indeed get off of it.

From what I have heard the chances of that are slim though. (Getting off of it I mean)

Sad all the way around.

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