I've talked before about how my place greens up and gets thick somewhere around April 10th (give or take a day or two) and the turkeys leave for the pretty cattle pastures that surround me. I used to get a week of good hunting. Maybe two if I was very lucky. I knew with the late opener, early green up, and the fact that we've never killed a turkey on this lease past April 10th that my season was over before it started. But, being a turkey hunter, I had to give it a shot.
I hunted 5 of the first 8 days of season from first light until fly up. I wish I knew how many miles I walked and how many times I almost needed a helicopter evacuation crossing a ditch or creek. All to hear exactly one gobbler on the place opening morning. He gobbled a couple times as he headed for greener pastures. From then on every gobble I heard was well across the property line. I'm sure it is possible to call a turkey out of a pretty cattle pasture full of grasshoppers into a thick, sticker bush infested pine forest, but I can't do it. I tried. For days.
I sat there Saturday evening thinking about the old timers that would get up everyday and go turkey hunting knowing they most likely wouldn't hear a turkey. I couldn't decide if that was dedication or insanity. At least I could hear a gobble and try to call him in, knowing full well he wasn't coming. Alas, every man has his limits. My dedication only goes so far. This year the turkeys won. Maybe someday the folks that set the seasons will see fit to push the opener back to the first of April.