This thread kinda got derailed, so I guess I'll push it farther off the tracks
The more time I spend with them, the more I have come to believe that coyotes are THE number 1 problem... much more so than nest raiders. And that's mostly because they are killing the adult birds, especially the nesting hens. Losing a clutch of eggs sucks... but not nearly as costly as losing an adult hen, who could have otherwise renested.
And coyotes are incredibly adaptable... back in the eaely 90s as turkey populations exploded on my farms, the coyotes did not view them as a food source. The birds and coyotes ignored each other and coexisted peacefully. But something happened in the mid 2000s... coyotes started actively hinting turkeys and I began to find feather piles along fences where adult birds were trapped and killed. And it seemed to peak about 4 years ago, when I actually called in 5 coyotes yelping with a call during season.
We had a massive distemper outbreak in 2022 and most of the coyotes died. Last year, we made a conscious effort to not allow them to repopulate, and we killed 24. Maybe just a coincidence, but we had the best hatch we've had in over a decade last year. I'm really thinking staying after the dogs is THE reason.
So far this year we are up to 6 counting the pair that came to howls this morning on one of my properties.