Ultimately it's TWRA's fault.
It started with allowing anyone to deer hunt with a cross bow. As I predicted......three years later....there went real deer hunting.
In my teen years and after.....Archery season was an AMAZING time in the woods. There were not many hunters in the woods. The deer were not spooked. It was real hunting mano e mano. And if you did see another hunter in the woods He (it was a he almost always) gave you a huge wide berth, motioned you own through and was a true gentleman, respectful and kind.
Now Archery season puts at least as many Bumbling Stompers in the forest as Muzzle loader season does, if not more. These days, top cross bows are easily as accurate as average, to good scoped rifles at 100 yards: 1 moa.
Gone is the treasured time in the woods with deer and the occasional wilderness gentleman here and there.
But this is exactly what TWRA wanted....more money. Oh, I mean to sell more license and stamps.
I'm not saying we should stop, stunt or hinder technology.... But these days with the latest, greatest, heaviest of the heavy shot, guys are killing turkeys grave yard dead at 100 yards with 12 gauges and 80+ yards with 20 gauges. I've witnessed it. And it's TWRA allowing this.
Folks better pray I'm never head of the TWRA. Because if I was:
1. Archery season tackle is limited to a bow, with no sights. Drawn and held by the hand, ie. No Cross Bows, no releases except for the truly disabled.
2. Muzzle loader season: No firearms with technology newer than the match lock, which precedes flintlock technology. Yep, you have to slip through he woods blowing on the "match" (burning wick) to keep it from going out so your gun is ready to fire when you need it. The truly handicapped can use Flinlocks. The Bumbling Stompers can have modern gun season as per normal.
Turkey season: Lead shot only, nothing bigger than #5 shot, no shotshells permitted longer than 3", no 10 ga.
That should get rid of the bumbling stompers who are looking to kill for glory and bragging rights.