NYE Bowls


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
Reaction score
Munford, TN
Some interesting matchups today and tonight. I'm looking forward to the nightcap to see if Boise is for real. I'm thinking PSU blows them out, so Boise probably wins. Best of all, my second favorite team plays today.
I think that's the safest bet, but if Ohio State plays like they played against Tennessee it's going to be a great game to watch. I believe that may be the National Championship game.
Wow we agree. I'm looking down the brackets and no matter the match ups I really do not see a bigger game than the Oregon v OSU game. This game WILL be the National Chamionship game. Anything that comes down the road will just be boring in comparison I suspect.
Why the heck were you pulling for Ohio State? I'm guessing you pull against SEC teams?
Not really. My son goes to an SEC school so I am not down on any schools in particular. I have some great friends that are TN fans but if you're totally honest, you have to admit that there are some outrageously obnoxious fans who think TN is far better than their ranking, the SEC is the end all be all and they don't think about things objectively at all. Those are the people I root against. Basically why 90% of the time I root against MI and OSU.
if you're totally honest, you have to admit that there are some outrageously obnoxious fans who think TN is far better than their ranking, the SEC is the end all be all and they don't think about things objectively at all.
I absolutely agree, but I think all schools have some outrageously obnoxious fans. There are Tennessee fans on Fakebook that make me cringe with some of their comments, but the vast majority are level headed. It's the silent majority/loud minority thing I think. Now, when the majority of your fans are outrageously obnoxious, and have that reputation in all 50 states and some 3rd world countries, then there's a problem. Everyone reading this knows that fanbase.
Some interesting matchups today and tonight. I'm looking forward to the nightcap to see if Boise is for real. I'm thinking PSU blows them out, so Boise probably wins. Best of all, my second favorite team plays today.
Looks like both our second favorite teams won their post season games. 😂