Osceola Gobbler

Cowman71 said:
gladeshunter said:
Very nice bird. It was on fire down there the first 3 days. My buddies and I killed 7 and shoulda had 3 more. More gobbling than I have heard down there in a long time. Congrats!
You huntin Corbett Area or private land
No i was in the Cypress. I just moved up here to Fayetteville in December. Lived in S. Fla. my whole life. Been tromping through the Big Cypress since I could drive. The Park Service has done a lousy job managing the habitat down there. they don't burn near enough every year. Finally about 3 years ago there were some wild fires that burned a huge amount of acres and the turkey population has responded very well to that. Only thing the park service cares about down there are Tourists and panthers.
I lived the last 20 years about 2 miles from the south gate at Corbett. I could count on both hands the number of times I have hunted there. Too many yahoos running through the woods every time a turkey gobbled, a woodpecker hammered or a sandhill squawked. Only thing I miss about Florida is that damn Swamp!
Bear Island. Man that place used to be a paradise. All the pastures and fields were a turkey haven, deer galore as well. Tons of quail,squirrels and ducks. Then the Park kicked out the cows and it went south. All the fields grown over, exotics overtaking the levees and trams. We quit hunting out there in the 80's. We started hunting corn dance then moved over to the concho trail in Turner river. Once they rocked all the trails the pressure picked up so we moved back to corn dance and have been doing very well out there. One of my buddies killed another one today.
Congrats again on your bird and good luck on the rest of your season

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