Outrageous processing fee!!

Simple cuts are quick and easy if you've been doing it a long time. I wouldn't mind dropping one off once in a while though. Nobody close to me takes them. Be nice just to pick up the meat the way you want it. But I'm not paying a wild price. I already spend enough on hunting as it is.
I might try that. I've always just cubed it, but strips would probably be faster.
Yes. I usually separate out all the roast but sometimes when I just need grind I'll leave the deer hanging and start cutting strips longways on the hams.

I'll sometimes end up with strips in the 12-18" range. They grind so much faster.
I view deer processing like any other business. In order for a business to operate it must be profitable (unless it's a government backed chairity).

Costs of doing business varies with costs of labor, tools, Insurance,rent,etc.

I believe in most businesses costs or consumer vary with the quality of the product sold/produced. Based on my own experiences processing deer, the prices I see charged are reasonable for the service. I see no way anyone can make much profit being a deer processor.

I do my own deer processing because I see no way a commercial processor can do the job as clean and thorough as I want it done for the price they charge.