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Food Plots Plant or Wait

I'm just going to keep waiting. I sure hope this doesn't turn into last year, when the last week of October I was replanting everything that died from the drought or gotten eaten by Army Worms. It was barely out of the ground at the opening of MZ season.
Already a few small pockets of army worms here in southern Montgomery co. Good news is there is still a lot of green forage out there right now so maybe they will leave the fall plots alone.
I have my insurance policies... native browse bushhogged in Aug and ponds full of water... I'll be just fine even if it doesn't rain for another month... but it just pisses me off I may miss a growing season with no significant organic matter added to the topsoil.
Will find out how real late planted brassica will do since it's in my clover mix. Can always hope for late frost...
it comes up great, makes a small plant, but won't make much of a bulb.

deer love it even planted late, no doubt... but about 1/20th the tonnage compared to late August planting.

just isn't worth the extra $$$$ in my mind if planted late tho... thats why my 100lbs of brassica seed is about to go in the freezer until next year.
I'm PISSED! Forecast for today at my place was a slight chance of rain with no more than 0.20" accumulation. That's not enough to plant, so I didn't. We got 1.80"! Son of a B....
I'm PISSED! Forecast for today at my place was a slight chance of rain with no more than 0.20" accumulation. That's not enough to plant, so I didn't. We got 1.80"! Son of a B....
Not too happy myself . I was going to plant yesterday or today but with no rain forecasted for the long forecast I held off. I should have just done it.
I'm PISSED! Forecast for today at my place was a slight chance of rain with no more than 0.20" accumulation. That's not enough to plant, so I didn't. We got 1.80"! Son of a B....
I'm mad for the opposite. Forecast for me last night showed 1/2 to 3/4" today with more showers tonight. Had rain closing in this morning when we started. Planted both plots to now watch the rain split us North and South. We haven't got much more than a sprinkle but too late now.
I'm mad for the opposite. Forecast for me last night showed 1/2 to 3/4" today with more showers tonight. Had rain closing in this morning when we started. Planted both plots to now watch the rain split us North and South. We haven't got much more than a sprinkle but too late now.
Sometimes I really hate food plots.
Just finished sowing a patch of turnips, they be on them in December if we get any winter weather.
4 plots planted yesterday, they got pretty decent rain today.

The 6ac I planted a couple weeks ago was hurting, and I thought I would have to replant it, but I think today's rain is going to save them.

One big plot still to plant
Glad I planted back in August, everything seems to be fine and the rain today only helps. I just always start planting two weeks before dove and cross my fingers. There was a Big rain after the 18th planting and this helps my 25th planting that had come up. Wheat, clover, turnips, oats. All looks good with some deer already using it. Good luck and yep you can't count on a weather prediction at all!!! That's why I just roll the dice. Lol
Don't know where your place is JCDEERMAN, but here's the radar estimated rainfall for today around Hickman County


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