Poults Not Seen!

Saw these crossing rd below my house. Around July 15th, Madison county.
I have no legitimate data to back it up. But we bad a pretty good hatch. That's 3 years in a row. And this spring being so wet should have had some affects on that. Last year was my 4 year trapping I think maybe 5. Hard for me to believe with that and a little luck from mother nature it's not making a difference. Also we have really started improving our habitat for turkeys. We still have hens with no poults at all. I believe I'm going to be able to hunt a farm this coming spring for the first time in 6 or 7 years. I also have notice some very late poults. All good signs imo.
I have some around my house at that couldn't have been born more than a week ago. Can barely see them in ankle high grass.
That's just fine! I'm still hoping there a few that hatch out broods right now and I haven't seen them. Late hatches will be the difference between a dismal recruitment and a great recruitment
Tuesday: 4 hens with 9 large poults. had to be hatched first half of May.
Wednesday: 2 hens with zero. 2 hens with two. one hen with none.
Thursday: 1 hen with zero.

So 10 hens and 10 poults this week. Not too great at all. Although I know where a few good broods are, my tally the past two months is probably just hovering around 1.0 pph.
Have been watching for them in Tipton and Shelby counties. Lots of mature birds, zero poults so far. Higher number in Shelby than in Tipton, mostly from Brunswick to the county line ne area. Tipton have seen them along TN-14 and in the Holly Grove area. No fall turkey season here, so hopefully a few later broods will hatch out. Predator levels are extremely high the last couple years, even see coyotes out in broad daylight. Larger than normal amounts of bobcat and hog sightings per farmers I eat with in Tipton, Fayette and Haywood counties.

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